little thing for a story
05.06.2020 00:14
this parasite is picked up when come into contact with
it needs a temperature around body temperature so it can be found in warm swamps
the parasite is a hive mind and they are visible to the eye, about the size of freckles
they also repopulate by budding
when picked up they slowly dig into your skin relatively painlessly and take over the nerves in the area of skin causing you to lose the feeling, once in your blood they start to take over your nervous system
parasites don’t intentionally kill hosts and this parasite can’t even do that, it’s harmless to you other than it basically taking over your being
This parasite once in your mind can cause you to see things and hallucinate, it also gives your mind dopamine which makes you feel good, so you’re in a dreamlike state while the parasite slowly continues to use you as a puppet