He wont take my hint
30.07.2021 00:00
LinkI want to quit band
I'm just trying to show him without telling him. I want to quit
Its stressing me out
I cant play well and no matter how hard I practice I cant get better
30.07.2021 00:02
LinkI want him to see that this isnt making me happy
That's what he wants, right ?
He wants me to be happy
Let me quit
Band is. It is NOT making me feel good
30.07.2021 00:02
LinkIt's making me compare myself to others in not good ways
Whenever I mess up theres a voice that says "**** you, you are a god damn failure." In my head
I dont want it there
Before band camp it wasnt there I felt good
30.07.2021 00:03
LinkOh god, and then school starts back in 2 weeks
No no I cant go back, I m going to die htheree
30.07.2021 00:06
LinkI'll make a fool of myself there
I dont know where to go, or the people, or anything I'll get lost and people will laugh at me and I'll feel stupid and I'll just be upset like last year
Funny how once summer came I started to feel awesome about myself
Because when school isnt here my dad isnt calling me a ****ing idiot, a ****ing embarrassment
God I feel horrible I just want to sleep for a few years