I need to explain something
03.05.2020 19:01
LinkOk so I can defend myself if you've known me long enough you would know I've been sexually harassed 3 times one was a girl the other two were boys I just get really scared and really shy when it comes to sexual harassment i freeze and do nothing about it @shadowkay you remember when we went to that party and I saw that same guy that sexually harassed me at camp right? I'm just saying i really need advice when it comes to sexuall harassment.
03.05.2020 19:07
03.05.2020 19:09
Linkmhm so what you have to do is make sure you watch them at all times making sure nothing is going to happen and if it does happen tell an adult or someone you trust, i can't say much cause it's my dad's birthday, so, try to stay safe-
03.05.2020 19:11
LinkYeah but I try then I just freeze and tremble
03.05.2020 19:13
LinkTrust me dealing with this stuff is hard, but if it's online just ignore pay them no attention, because that's what they want, but if it's irl then just tell an adult-