Lemme be honest for a sec


14.09.2021 22:00
LinkIf I don't get this binder and haircut after waiting 400+ days I will shut down

14.09.2021 22:01
LinkYeah I know some of you guys might be thinking oh its just a binder and haircut its not that bad. And ij a way your completely right but I've been working my ass off to get this shit

14.09.2021 22:02
LinkI mean one I've been trying to mature more and even trying to get my future together looking into jobs and colleges I've even been trying to better myself as a person

14.09.2021 22:02
LinkTwo im all caught up in school now I just need my teachers to grade my stuff lol. Like my selflove is almost as bad as it used to be :))

Ikr some people don’t get it it’s more then that and if you don’t get it I will literally be p!ssed <////3

Oh Sheesh
I really want a binder
Is it because your parents aren't getting it for you or you just need money???

I don’t think you saw this it was in the anim you deleted but here
Hey your not doing ANYTHING wrong and I mean it your like one of the best people I ever met on this site your a burst of sunshine in the hardest times and don’t forget it people think your amazing I think your amazing there’s nothing wrong with you my dude your like super cool plz don’t feel this way your way better then how you think you are you just need to go look into the mirror and say I’m the coolest person in this god d@mn house and no one and I mean NO ONE can tell me other wise.