Hurt goes in, stuff goes out
04.05.2022 02:53
Linkif i hit it does it spill candy
04.05.2022 02:55
LinkDefinite maybe
04.05.2022 02:57
04.05.2022 03:13
LinkCongrats, you obtained 5 pieces of candy
50% chance to get good luck
40% chance to get candy
9% chance to get expensive jems or riches
1% chance to get the flesh of the user
Chances to get rarer goods depend on how hard it was hit
The same person should not hit ◼️◼️ multiple times, second hit gets you consumed. That’s how it hunts, it need to feed somehow.
Stolen spoils will be turned to a dark, viscus substance. It stains and smells bad.
Lucky charms or artifacts do not work
Oh yeah and there’s a chance where it just won’t drop anything. Probably because you didn’t hit it hard enough. Second swings still count after this.
Good luck lasts for a day
Get 5 pieces of candy
Jems vary in both type, size, and price. You only get 1
Flesh is obtained by [REDACTED]. It’s usually a good chunk, big enough to hold with 2 hands but no smaller than 1 hand. Your weight decreases. Usually causes weakness and an organ failing to work properly.
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