Request from AnimatorLila
Aurora goes to the moon
I'm lord of the Snack Falcons!
Norvin Grabs a Rock
Grammar Police
21.01.2020 20:54
Linkthere is text ubove my anims that says stuff about http or something....WHAT GOING ON>??!?!?
21.01.2020 20:54
Linkyeah happened to me to ;-;
21.01.2020 20:54
Linkwhat dose it mean?
21.01.2020 20:55
Linkyou need the https version on, click it.
21.01.2020 20:55
Linki did
21.01.2020 20:56
its says: You are using insecure HTTP connection to FlipAnim 😞
Click here to use secured HTTPS version!
Don't forget to save or export your work in progress animation from HTTP version, as from 22.01.2020 all connections will be redirected to HTTPS. All unsaved work on insecure HTTP version will be lost!
HTTP(S) is the protocal your browser uses to transfer data between you and Flipanim.
HTTP doesn't use encryption, so if you just happen to browse in wireless lan using HTTP, someone from your neighborhood or nearby could illegally capture your wlan signal and read all of the data you're sending, which includes your passwords. However, that would be an actual hacker and would probably be more interested in robbery rather than your account.
HTTPS, however, is encrypted. If captured, it would be completely useless to the hacker.
(Credit to Parzival-comic for the info)
Also the "Don't forget to save or export your work in progress animation from HTTP version, as from 22.01.2020 all connections will be redirected to HTTPS. All unsaved work on insecure HTTP version will be lost!" just means that if you're drawing something right now, save it using flipanim files or else once you move to HTTPS it will be lost.