question for systems/did
25.05.2021 12:48
Linkwhen you switch(?) do you like
omg how do I word this I'M SORRY
do you jump or do somethinf that indicates you switched
or do you just do it and boom
I just woke up I hope this doesn't sound insensitive
also what should I do when you switch?
UHHH!!! switching is an inner thing and its VERY VERY hard to spot by others actually!!! it all depends, but for some people switching can just happen in 1 blink or it can be like... in my experience its usually like. i start to slowly feel like not myself and feel like. a blur inbetween me and an alter kinda? like im slowly turning into them?? and it takes some mins until i fully switch ^_^ its different for everyone though!!! i once switched very suddenly too lol
i also get weird tics where i kinda. twitch my head a little when i switch but that might just be me LOL <3
on the outside it might look like were zoning out/daydreaming or something or we might look a little scared??? or it might look like nothing
you might not even tell when someone switches! my alters usually try to mimic me (john) so ppl cant tell i switched ^_^ but uhh when the alters trust u enough to be themselves around u then!! just treat them normally, maybe introduce urself a little if the alter says they dont know u very well!!!
-just treat them normally bc theyre just as human (unless theyre a different species but. still <3) as the alter is. please dont feel bad if the alter doesnt like you!!! alters have their own opinions and such too!! theyre just. People so treat them like people!! they have their own personalities, genders, sexualities, age, opinions, etc etc :] (some alters dont know their genders/sexualities or might even be ageless!! and yea they can be different species too!! ^_^)
for us its its kind of like. idk how 2 explain it ack.
its like, sometimes we just. switch. really fast and sometimes we canβt tell when or who. and sometimes it takes a few mins to switch. other times we black out in our inner world and appear at front. it also sometimes depends on the members. some of us always switch fast, and some of us black out. other times (which- idk if this?? one is a thing or happens 2 others??) we have a few members who have to go 2 sleep to switch. its odd but it works for them, and its (somewhat) the only way 4 then to switch.
also!! switching out can work the same ways too!
everyones Switches are different so itz kind of hard to explain these things ^-^
It depends on da system
For us it's like,, like youre letting go of everything for a second and then you come to and the body is in a different place than when you were previously fronting. We usually have headaches when we switch too. Also amnesia! If someone else was fronting before i was i have no memory of what was happening unless i stayed co-con or something, which on its own is a strange experience. We're friends with an OSDD-1b system, and they don't have amnesia between their alters :-0