vlad in my new version


zhouzhibo time

asriel battle in 5 secods

i dont know

fallen petals

B-max :3
Web Devil (school thing)


10.05.2022 19:01
Creatures known as Web Devils, having the appearance of a spider and can grow to be as big as a small monkey. They have two eyes on the front of their head, two eyes on the side of their head, and have a long tail like appendage. They have two sets of large teeth and long, sharp talons on its front legs to rip apart their prey. On the bottom of their back feet, they have sticky pads allowing them to scale on trees. During the day, they set out gooey web traps when the Pisako is resting. They may also look around for any Pisako that is not resting during the day or is not hidden well enough. During the night, the Pisako has a chance to wander into one of these traps and in the morning, the Web Devil feasts on the weakened Pisako.