little valafar for nichole
Only 90's kids will remember -
idk wat to call dis anymore XD
10.02.2020 18:06
Linkwanna do seprate cans and a forbitan love?
10.02.2020 18:07
this is random but do you wanna hear what my fiction story is about- ;w;
10.02.2020 18:07
Linksure :3
my english teacher is making us wright a love peom on friday :c
10.02.2020 18:10
LinkI have interhouse Friday
so my story's about three gay boys (who's names are Max, Hunter and Flint) all have a crush on this guy called Daniel, the other guys try to get with Daniel and Daniel has to decide if he likes Max, Hunter or Flint
10.02.2020 18:12
Linksounds good
10.02.2020 18:13
Linkthanks :3
let's say our clans! :3
10.02.2020 18:16
Linkdusk clan
leader: stormstar
deputy: shadowwind
medicine: foxleap
warriors: shadowstep winterwing doveheart firetail mousepelt
rabbitleap morningshadow spottedtail
apprentices: squirrlepaw tigerpaw autumnpaw windpaw sunpaw moonpaw
kits finkit treekit whitekit darkkit
queens lightpelt goldenflame loinshadow
10.02.2020 18:21
Leader - Wolfstar
Deputy - Barkfoot
Med - Sandclaw
Warriors - Zebrafur, Snowclaw, Silverleaf, Blueear
Apprentices - Foxpaw, Shadowpaw, Lakepaw
Queen(s) - Webbedfoot, Hazelfur
Kits - Stonekit, Whitekit, Sootkit
10.02.2020 18:22
Linktigerpaw when she becomes a warrior can be in the forbiten love thingy *
stormstar: the gathering is tonight i hope nothing will happen
foxleap: stormstar starclan has sent a omen
stormstar: hm?
foxleap: "darkness will be swallowed by the three"
stormstar:.... do you know what it means?
foxleap: i think it will me somthing to do with the new kits from stormclan
stormstar: we better head to the gthering
stormstar: i dont know but i know that this is a bad omen and we need to take caotion
* ok so after schoool max hunter and flint do a bunch of chalenges race, battle idk u think of that and who ever oses will have to back from daniel and the other two go on the the final chalenge who can get daniel to like them the most then somthing happenes and daniel falls n love with one of them * the two winners but u chose one for daniel to fall in love with*
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