lmt comming clean lotsa words


06.12.2020 06:57
LinkI'm not that "amazing". I have so many problems that cant be fixed unless I take medication but the problems are undiagnosed so I cant. so I can't help myself. i have yes all the symptoms. d e p r e s s i on. im losing weight losing appetite hard time sleeping losing motivation lazy and sad cries a lot feeling like I don't matter and making plans to kill myself. I'm sure I have depression but the bad thing I'm so young. i think it might be hormones. i go to a doctor for my ADHD i am diagnosed with that and have meds for it. he has suggested meds for my undiagnosed depression but my dad said not right now which I secretly know he means no because he probably doesn't understand my pain and my struggles and what I'm going through. just one day in life is hard enough to survive.

06.12.2020 06:58
Linkim feeling lost.. one of my fav animators just left fa...
im crying and I'm feeling sad..
a lot of the crying is of no reason.... but I'm feeling dark and empty
i relize this pandemic will take so much time to end... this is reality.. I'm stuck like this with no choice..
its sickening.. ppl r dying everyday. all my loved ones are leaving or dying or dead
everyone i ever love will die
ppl in my school propbably secretly hate me... I'm too skinny.. I'm not pretty or good enough
my parents always fight
they might get divorce
im a bad kid i have adhd im bad at math even tho past years I was top of class
i cant do anyhting right
im usless and hopeless
i should die

06.12.2020 06:59
Linknow enough copy pasting from previous convos.. my parents fight a lot. they never sleep together I never see them kiss or hug and they never call each other babe and sometimes they threaten to leave and take us( me and my sister) or throw things at each other or both

06.12.2020 07:00
Linkmy life is fricking hell. i know so much I shouldn't know as a freakin 10 yr old bc of the internet

06.12.2020 07:02
Linkim hardly acknowledged its sad.. no one pays attention to how I'm struggling. I'm in this endless black void and its chipping away pieces of me every day

06.12.2020 07:03
Linkmy friends they..
they are mostly all of them are mostly bi or less and I feel bad I'm not unique like them.. i feel left out and they have so much fun together
I'm just kinda not loving life rn
I'm sad..

06.12.2020 07:04
Linkim feeling sad again
im lonely and i feel like crying
idk why
but I'm feeling sad for no reason and its a deep sadness~

06.12.2020 07:04
Linkim useless and i feel like my life well i have no goals idk.. i kinda wanna die..

06.12.2020 07:06
Linkthe truth abt me leaving is.. its not cause violet and the predator really.. its cause I'm feeling this was some trolls are just adding on and I cant have you guys feeling bad for me when what I go through doesn't matter... and I felt like I couldn't put that "happy" into me..

06.12.2020 07:07

06.12.2020 07:10
LinkDo you wanna talk about it?

06.12.2020 07:11
Linkeh.. i kinda did.. right there..

06.12.2020 07:15
LinkOkay, now do things i say and say done when you're done, ok?

06.12.2020 07:17

06.12.2020 07:18
LinkOkay, now: what do you rly love? Puppies, kitties, Bunnies- what?

06.12.2020 07:19
Linkk i t t i e s
Comment removed

06.12.2020 07:23
LinkNow: look at this: https://images.app.goo.gl/YQDd4te8dksC1EGh7 💜

06.12.2020 07:23
LinkYou opened it 💜?

06.12.2020 07:25

06.12.2020 07:25

06.12.2020 07:26
LinkNow smile at those kitties ^^ 💜
Comment removed

06.12.2020 07:31
LinkDone? If no, do it rn ^^ If yes, watch this: https://youtu.be/6FQsIfE7sZM 💜 You don't have to watch til the end 💜 Watch as much as you want ^^ 💜 I've found it only for you ^^ 💜 Do it 💜 I hope that helped a bit ^^ 💜 You wanna keep doing this? Does it make you happier?

06.12.2020 07:33
Linki did smile now time to watch

06.12.2020 07:38
LinkYeah ^^ 💜 if you wanna keep doing this, lemme-

06.12.2020 07:38
Linkomg cute! it made me laugh some and a bit happier

06.12.2020 07:40
Linkhttps://images.app.goo.gl/EkFAcAoSc3HuuGaS7 💜
https://images.app.goo.gl/t4jfdyNQwXdW7NJV7 💜
https://images.app.goo.gl/vHyzQBtsk5FSHW1X8 💜
https://www.hostelbookers.com/blog/travel/weird-and-wonderful/cute-cats-around-the-world/ 💜

06.12.2020 07:42

06.12.2020 07:43
LinkMore? 💜 I can keep giving you photos of cats ^^ 💜

06.12.2020 07:43
Linksure but could you also make me feel better by words?

06.12.2020 07:45
LinkOf course 💜

06.12.2020 07:54
LinkLook, it's okay to have a bad day 💜 Everyone does sometimes! You're awesome! Your art is great 💜 You have so much subscribers 💜 I'm sure your friends love you! You are unique for the other reasons! Sexuality is who you are! Not something that makes you unique! Everyone is unique in their own way! If you're lonely, call them! Or call your family ^^ 💜 You are not useless because everyone has their place in this world 💜 maybe you are ugly rat and too skinny, but if you are, then everyone is! Because everyone is beautiful in their own way 💜 So are you and so am I 💜 I can Just hope your parents don't divorce, but maybe you should tell them that you don't want tnem to divorce and that that makes you very sad 💜 I'm sure they care for you! You can do many Great things, but maybe you feel lost which is also okay. Just don't let that lead you to the thoughts like: i should die. You shouldn't. No one should. Also: ofc you can't put that "happy" in you dummy ^^ 💜 It's alrady in you :) 💜

06.12.2020 07:55
Linkwow th.. also i just wanna say I only have 11 subs ;-;
Comment removed

06.12.2020 07:57
LinkIt depends on how you look at it ^^ 💜 I can say that my 77 subscribers are just 77 People or i can say that it's very much and that i have 77 great fans!

06.12.2020 07:58
Link* thx not th

06.12.2020 07:58
Linkhow do u even know my chennel?

06.12.2020 08:00
LinkI was talking about subscribers on FlipAnim, but 11 is a great number 💜

06.12.2020 08:02
LinkWhat's your YouTube? Imma make it 12 ^^ 💜

06.12.2020 08:03
Linksilverana it has not rely a pfp

06.12.2020 09:01

06.12.2020 09:02
LinkSubscribed 💜

06.12.2020 09:19