

26.05.2021 04:08
Linksmiles in old file

26.05.2021 04:08
Linkanyways uhh
does a thing

26.05.2021 04:08
Naruthiel (Leader); Black and grey male with green eyes
Scaroyiin (Leader's wife); White and pale violet female with violet eyes and ruffled fur
Aerostiir (Priest); Red, orange, and yellow dragon/goat hybrid with one missing wing and dark red eyes.
Eizenheiy (Juggernaut of death); Brown male with bloodshot, red eyes
Others (27); Brainwashed males/females with fur turned black by dark magics and pure white eyes. It is impossible to tell the former identities of one of them due to the fact they all look the same and look nothing like the formerly did.
Anarchy (Leader); Feminine barn owl with 4, pure white eyes and wearing a brown cloak
Omnivare (Deputy??/); Pure white and violet male with violet eyes and six arms
Heronobus; Small, dark brown male with color-changing eyes
Avarie: Green and grey female with blue eyes and wings
Rhuharius: Purestrain human. Because of the rarity of humans, let alone purestrain ones, he has been stripped of several limbs,

26.05.2021 04:09
Link*and abilities that would make him important. He has since then gained robotic attachments and has been stitched back together in some places to make up for this.
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26.05.2021 04:15
Linki uh
how does start story yes pog cool