Sunny D reminds me
09.09.2023 20:02
Linkof him still loving me
09.09.2023 20:02
Linkits such a comfort drink and its also what they gave me when I was on suicide watch
09.09.2023 20:02
Linkafter i got my stitches
09.09.2023 20:05
Linkgod when he told me he didnt love me anymore it didnt feel real. it felt like i was about to pass out i like fell to the floor hitting my door and i just cried and cried and i couldnt stop crying so bad that i ended up going to my mom for comfort and I never do that ever. i loved this man so ****ing much but the cutting was getting bad and he couldnt handle me anymore and wanted out and i dont blame him at all i should have listened before but I didnt. he had told me he loved me the night before that too it was awful
09.09.2023 20:06
Linkthe main feeling i felt was dizzy and i was full of just so many bad feelings
09.09.2023 20:06
Linki loved him so much that him saying he didnt love me anymore made me dizzy and made me want to vomit
09.09.2023 20:06
Linkthen the next day I hit beans
09.09.2023 20:07
Linkim just glad hes still a good friend of mine. i just want him back but i'd never say that unless he wanted me too