like a random wwyd, lmt


15.11.2020 20:38
Linkso your OC be taking a walk in the forest, minding their own business then suddenly a small crow boy just fell out of the sky right onto your OC
so wWyD

15.11.2020 20:41
Linkalso if you just like and leave I will chop your toes off

*Caroline doesn't move* (she enjoys being laid on)
(I mean if it was me, I'm used to my dad sitting on me if I don't move a chair.)

Stanford holds him
Hezrand gently puts a hand on Victors shoulder, dunno why tho.
Jimmy looks slightly saddened by that. "Oh. Im sorry to hear that.. do you think he'll ever come back? cause im sure he will eventually. maybe he already has, and he just.. hasn't been able to bump into you yet.." he uh. hasn't let go of Joeys arms.
((uhfcb uherbdcuwberuyb34tre

Stanford lays down with Felix in his arms.
Hezrand holds him close
"Well.. im sorry to hear that.." he trails off then smiles small. "Well.. my names Jimmy. Jimmy Casket.. I assume your Joey? Unless i refound some other guy who looks a lot like my best friend and that little kid i went trick or treating with years ago.. if so uh. sorry." he laughs awkwardly
((hfv irfiuchwiruedhciuwhr

Stanford pets his head.
Hezrand chuckles softly. "Guess that joey kid he kept talking about was real.."
Jimmy hugs him back. "Im so sorry i disappeared.. i uh.." he pauses, realizing 'a few years long sleep paralysis' didn't really explain anything.. and the joey probably would expect a better explination. "I kind of had a little.. run in.. with some people i shouldn't have- then i had to well.. stay away from you guys for a long while.. then uh.. i kinda passed out for a few days.. then those two found me-" he guestures to Victor and Hezrand. "Then they kinda sorta adopted me since my family d-" he stops then tightens his hug/grip on joey. "..well.. what've you been up to..? im sorry again.."

Stanford points to a rather bright almost greenish star. "There it is.." his expression seems almost sad.
Jimmy squawks and ducks away. "Cmon Joey- lets get away from these weirdos." once again he doesn't mean anything by this, just- not wanting his parents to embarrass him or joey-
Hezrand laughs.
((why does reading old rps make me so happy lmao)
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Stanfords happy.
Jimmy runs off towards his parents again, pullign Joey with him. "DADS?! DADS!!"
Hezrand gently wraps a bandage around the missing eye spot and sighs. "Should i chase after him... or would that do nothing.. just.. just tap my arm if i should and dont do anything if i uh.. shouldn't."
((am bak

Stanford yawns. "Mm.. wanna head inside..?"
"just.. giddy... and kinda dizzy.. and.. scared..?" Jimmy mumbles, leaning against Joey.
Hezrand kisses his forehead. "..He's ok.. you don't have to beat yourself up over anything.. if thats whats going on. he's a tough kid.. adult.. demon.. thing..? but still. everything'll be fine."
((iuerhdfudrgfi i have to go goodnight mum ily

"Whaaaat? I'm sorry i don't trust this kid- especially since, 1. he looks no different since the last time we saw him, he should be older! 2. he's been gone for years and suddenly shows up again and you two are- are- well. bein a bit lovey dovey! i just want to get to know him a bit before i let this escalate!" Stanford huffs.
Jimmy raises his hands in surrender. "Ok ok- understandable-"
Hezrand looks uncomfortable in his sleep oddly enough.
((thats good. im kinda having a bit of a moment taking a bunch of quizzes and such its really strange figuring what your classpect is lmao)

"Oh that makes sense" joey sighs
Felix nods "I know he could be like a supernatural entity or some shit but you can't start getting all flirty with eachother after meeting again like.. 7 years later, I understand children of your age are just like that just.. get to know each other better."
Victor gently hugs him

"Exactly. I don't want you to get hurt Joey.." he sighs softly.
Jimmy looks momentarily insulted at the mere suggestion he'd ever hurt Joey, then realizes Felix and Stanford are parents- and simply worry and he nods. "Ok.. alright."
Hezrand jerks awake and blinks then smiles small and hugs him back.

"No- No not physically! Trust me when i say just jumping right into a relationship with someone doesn't always end well, you have to get to know them first.. it takes awhile.. i just- don't want this relationship to end it tears or even worse." Stanford sighs.
"Ohhh. emotional hurt.. i see i see.." Jimmy sighs and nods.
Hezrand laughs. "Awh. whyyy."

Jimmy looks proud of himself then pauses. "Awh no. I have to head home now.. my parents are either slightly worried or haven't even noticed- but well. i dont want to cause them pure panic." he smiles sheepishly. "i'll swing by tomorrow."
Stanford nods again. "Reasonable."
Hezrand kisses him gently.
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Jasmine, the stupid child she was stared in shock for a second, after waking up. She stared at him for a second then at the ground.