Q&A with worm!!


01.06.2022 02:24
LinkHow do you like the world you live in?

01.06.2022 02:26
Link"i live in a big empty black void with a house and a yard. it can be lonley sometimes, since no one else is there, but otherwise its alright!"

01.06.2022 02:28
LinkAww, well I can keep you company for now. Has it been like that for as long as you can remember? Same house, same void?

01.06.2022 02:33
Link"thank you, its greatly appreciated! yes, it has. sometimes things.. move around in the house. doors, windows, objects. sometimes new doors appear but ive never gone in them, they go away eventually."

01.06.2022 02:47
LinkAre you scared of going through the doors? I know I’m scared of a lot of things. Or maybe you just dont get the chance to go through before they’re gone. Well, if you’re scared, maybe you’re right to be. But maybe there are other people in your world, just behind the doors? To keep you company? You never know . Er, sorry… not people? Creatures?

01.06.2022 02:53
Link"ive never really thought about it before.. when i first woke up in the house there was a tape playing on the tv. there were more that i found but this one was.. disturbing. a message about dont move the stuff and dont go in new rooms, ect. so i guess i was scared about something bad happening to me. im still wary to open them, but your right, there could be other things like me behind the doors!!"

01.06.2022 02:56
LinkHow long have you been there? Were you anywhere before?

01.06.2022 03:00
Link"i- i dont know. time is funny here. i dont think so, i dont rember being anywhere else.."

01.06.2022 03:02
LinkOkay! Sorry, don’t mean to stress you out. Wish you the best, worm… hope you find another nice creature to talk to <3

01.06.2022 03:11
Link"its alright, no worries! thank you for talking to me! have a nice day :) "