- create flipbook animations online!
07.02.2023 21:13
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If ya'll wanna hear my problems you can if not, don't say anything I am not the type of person who spills their feelings out every now and then I keep all my feelings and thoughts to myself for as long as i need to. I don't think i'll share much but there you go let's start
07.02.2023 21:21
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... Grades, sports (i'm not gonna say what one, I DO NOT DO DANCE), friends My grades have been down a little with 2 classes, both are at C's, i'm an A student. reason, probably cause of sport and i'm not prioritzing stuff. im super bored and i'm playing games when i feel like it. i don't want to do anything sports is just making me really tired. i'm always a zombie throughout the day, band is my only class i love. science is a strong subject for me and i love science, it's just that the class and teacher are making it REALLY HARD TO LIKE IT. I virtually have no friends in any of my classes, 1st hour none, 2nd hour one, but she sits far from me, third hour is the greatest amount with 3 but 2 im not really a fan of, 4th hour none I Hate THE SPAnish TEACHER RIGHT NOW, lunch, all 4 friends but only 2 i like, 5th hour, one, she sits far from me and im not a big fan of her, my section is the best tho TRUMPETS RULEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, 6th hour 2 i really only like one, 7th hour 2, i don't like them. i n
07.02.2023 21:24
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i need new friends the ones in 7th hour for gym are not at my athletic level, wait, make that 5 friends at lunch i like 3 of them, 7th hour 3 friends i don't like 2 of them. the friends i hang out with... i really want someone who is intersted in the things i like, but the closesest friend who would be into the stuff that i'm into would probably be a couple of tenth graders. i cant do stuff with them cause they already have a band of people they hang out with. i can't have someone to tell how i feel, how my day was, or really personal secerets. that's all i wanna say. thank you.
07.02.2023 23:15
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Friends are important when it comes to school, you need someone to trust, to talk to, and so you can help each other. I suggest to find some new friends, or at least get someone new to talk to who will listen, I guess do something nice for them? Sometimes drawing things for people makes them happy, helping them with homework, or just you asking for help. Sometimes even saying hi or how are you can mean a lot to someone and they get a good impression of you as well, which means they may want to be friends. I don't know, even to a random person might make them happy I don't mean that any of this will work, but at least trying something means something new will happen. I do hope you get some good friends you are willing to hang out with, and that they are willing to hang out with you. Friends are great, important, and helpful.
08.02.2023 14:45
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Yea, i'm trying to find better friends but everyone is a butthead in my grade, majority of them. The ones that seem good hang out with people i don't like. i'm like background noise with my friends sometimes. majority of people below my grade are crackheads except for a few, i can't hang out with them. people above my grade, wish i could be friends with them but probaly can't. i'm way too shy.
08.02.2023 01:52
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I hope it gets better for you soon, but for these days, I have prepared a (hopefully) helpful Anim! I wish you luck with school and sports until summer break, and next year, too!
08.02.2023 17:12
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Thank you. thanks for the anim.
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