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18.10.2020 16:46
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18.10.2020 16:58
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Glitch: (aka: Glitched Nightmare) Glitch is surprisingly very affectionate once you get to know him, though he denies it he's just a scared baby. Glitch really hates summer since it means people wear more revealing clothes, he usually stays inside during summer. Toxic: (Toxic Ink) Toxic can a narcissists sometimes and he's not as much anymore he sometimes gloats about how many people he's killed. Toxic is secretly very insecure about himself and denies it. Toxic can eat other things but it makes him feel sick and he pukes it out. Mute: (Inked Error) Mute doesn't talk much and is usually reserved but since he the "protector of au's" he takes those vials and without them he actually dies. He never speaks about how he became soulless since it didn't happen how it happened with OG. Ink. Killer: Killer acts very childish and can be very moody at times, but it's really because Dust and Horror were killed since Toxic was hungry. Horror and Dust were like his brothers and he kept Horror's axe and Dust's j
18.10.2020 17:17
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jacket. Sapde: Spade was a prototype of and experiment they were trying. The experiment involved killing him but they had to make sure to get his soul quick enough to lock it in a locket where it wouldn't break. Spade still deeply care's about Glitch though he still call's him Nightmare. Ice: Ice secretly has wings, but they're very recent and he hides them, only Ico knows about them. Ice is actually very strong and is the strongest in the family. He's very quick and goes to the gym often, and he's very good at hiding that. Ice is also the youngest in his family. Just make sure to not make him angry because he's capable of killing you since he secretly took a class where he learned how to kill people, he didn't want to but the family made him. Ice is also addicted to Benzodiazepines. (specially Halcion) Ico: Ico really dislikes his family since they scold his dad (Ice) a lot. His mom died when he was a baby so it meant he was an orphan util Ice adopted him when he was 12.
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18.10.2020 17:31
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(forgot to say that Ice's wings are SMOL) G: (Angelic Ice) This boy is very confused on how love works since his family practicality ignored him. G has rejected a lot of people since he didn't like them back and people stared to hate him because of that always calling him heartless. His wings can change color depending on how he feels though it's very light shades. Hypno: (Controlled Ice) Hypno has pitch black eyes since his sister tormented him into bulling his other sibling and wears a mask to cover it. He does't say much and usually likes reading. Hypno also loves sloths since he thinks there cute and precious. Physco: (OG ice) Physco killed the whole family as revenge since he was tormented all those years. The only reason why he was never caught is because he faked his death by making it look like he crashed with a gas tank. Physco has a HUGE collection of knifes and goes on lot's of killing spree's once in a while.
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