- create flipbook animations online!
New OC's! Lemme type.
13.02.2020 23:40
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(Left/Yellow) Name: Marlo Age: 16 Height: 5'6 Sexuality: Probably gay, but no one knows. Time: Medieval Description: His parents died at a young age, effectively making him an orphan. He lives on the streets and sleeps their, and or at a local tree. No siblings, so he just takes care of himself. He is constantly looking for a job. The only problem is, he's still a kid and is..ynaw..poor. And that's not what employers are looking for, making it a paradox. He is chill most of the time, but gets extremely hot headed when he is pissed. (Right/Blue) Name: Eva Age: 18/Any Height: 5'9 Sexuality: Pansexual Time: Modern/Anytime Description: Has a loving mother, dad is around..just..not really. He is away working most of the times, so she doesn't get to see him much. But she enjoys the time she spends with him. She works at a coffee shop as the manager and is stern most of the time, but when she is happy - she gets really happy.
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