Criminals... Always Hiding...


28.05.2020 17:57
Linkmeh: um hello cops i found a gurl hiding from you take her to jail pwease

28.05.2020 18:00
LinkXD nice

so i think ima give her a backstory too! her name is Ray, shes 16, and is part of a stealing gang. she has to so she can get money to feed her starving mom and 7 year old brother. in the picture, she wasnt warned when the police came after the alarm went off. so Ray had to escape herself. she was seen by the popo (xd) and they followed her until she lost them in an alleyway. now shes being looked for, and shes wishing she never gotten into this mess, shes wishing she could go back before things got bad and choose a different route. but now its too late... unless she makes a choice...