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20.03.2021 16:52
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Every so often I find a whole fanfic in the comments of Youtube videos. Each one that I find, I will put in this comment section with the video link.
20.03.2021 16:54
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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTpN1DX7Lf0 Fanfic By Michael Todd
20.03.2021 16:55
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what's worse, is that I wonder if he'd be a teacher at a elementary school, to look for a child he could abduct to use for his experiments. Like to get eyeballs and study a child's body and anatomy to figure out how to make the perfect child. OOO what if he abducted bliss? a 12 year old child he abducted who went to a orphanage and locked her up in a cage with other children in a secret room to be eventually used as tools. At night, the professor would leave to pick up groceries, and the ppg girls would get curious and unlock the door to the basement to look at the restricted zone that the professor told them to stay away from. There, the three sisters meet a real human, bliss, who is crying in a locked cage. Bliss would freak out at the children she sees, who have bodies slowly rotting, and the three girls would look at her with confusion. There they would eventually become friends with her, and they would find out that they aren't human after all.
20.03.2021 16:55
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The three girls would hear their father coming home, and hurry into their rooms, locking the door. the next night, they would plan to talk with their friend more, to learn more about the world from the outside, only to find their friend is missing from her cage. The next night, they look again, and this time they look at some jars, and sees some eyeballs floating inside. They always thought this was normal, as their father told them that they were fake eyeballs for Halloween. But as they look closer, they notice how familar the eyeballs are... They were bliss's. Suddenly, for the first time, the girls felt scared. They looked at the head section, where more of the hallow's eve "decorations" where.. the're fears was correct.. There was bliss's head in a container, lifeless with her eyes missing. They realised that their father had lied to them, and now..their best friend is dead, and now..they want REVENGE.
20.03.2021 16:56
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Part 2: The previously sweet and lighthearted girls had now become blood thirsty robots aching for the proffesor's blood. Blossom, being the most level headed out of the two wanted to immediately sketch out a plan, so she asked for some ideas. Buttercup wasn't speaking. Bubbles looked as if she was trying to speak but all that came out was whiny cries, Bubbles was shaking and crying so much that it looked as if she would puke any second. Seeing the horror and trauma on both of their faces, Blossom decided to postpone the meeting tomorrow and asked Buttercup to take Bubbles to her room and not to let proffesor see her in such a state. None of them were able to sleep that night. Whenever they tried they had the same nightmare over and over again of them being Bliss and feeling her horror and pain as the proffesor first plucked her eyes out and then beheaded her.
20.03.2021 16:56
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As the sun rose, they knew that they couldn't postpone the meeting any further as the proffesor may notice the abnormalities in their behavior. They waited for the proffesor to leave and then, started planning. Buttercup blatantly said that they should just kill proffesor when he comes back but Blossom outright refused. She said that it would be too risky and that our size compared to the professor may lead to their death. Buttercup being furious about Blossoms extremely rude interruption, stormed out and went back to her room. Seeing Buttercup's stubborness, Blossom and Bubbles became very wary of Buttercup's as well as their own safety. They worried that Buttercup may do something wreck less and it may lead to her death, or worse blow everyone's cover.
20.03.2021 16:57
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Blossom and Bubbles immediately went to check Buttercup's room and went from knocking to banging the door but Buttercup never opened the door. They were beating the door until their fists bled but Buttercup still was too stubborn to come out. Eventually, Blossom started having a panic attack, muttering many possibilities of Buttercup's wrecklessness in her head. Bubbles tried to calm Blossom down saying that she believes that Buttercup wouldn't be so wreckless and Blossom needs to stop worrying about her safety. This helped Blossom calm down immensely and she was even able to have a peaceful dream, of Bliss being free in the afterlife, though that wonderful dream was soon interrupted by loud thumping.
20.03.2021 16:58
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Part 3: Blossom was suddenly awaken from this large thumping sound, and soon, her annoyance turned into outright fear. She went to look outside her door, praying that it wasn't proffesor or some horrific gore. As soon as she started peeking, she saw Buttercup, limping to the kitchen. She looked as if she was about to faint, her legs trembling and her hunchback as she was holding her stomach. Blossom was afraid Buttercup was going to do something dangerous so she followed her. She was slowly tiptoeing after Buttercup. Finally, Buttercup stopped at her destination. Blossom was shocked that the place Buttercup was going was as harmless as the kitchen.
20.03.2021 16:58
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Buttercup was now almost crawling to the fridge. She frantically looked in the fridge searching for some food. She was like an untamed beast hopelessly gnawing on their food, having no intentions of sharing. Blossom felt pity for Buttercup so she decided to let her scavenge without interruptions. After a few minutes of desperate searching, Buttercup finally got something to eat. But then suddenly, the lights turned on. There was professor looking at a child stuffing her mouth and another one just staring at her. Almost to hide his disappointment, professor playfully asked what the two of them were doing. Both of them were too shellshocked to even respond but Blossom quickly tried to calm herself and tried to answer like her usual self. She said that she caught Buttercup indecently stuffing her face in the middle of the night and Blossom was about to scold her until Proffesor arrived.
20.03.2021 16:59
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The proffesor asked whether this was true to Buttercup. Blossom discretly signalled to Buttercup to play along. Buttercup mustered up her courage and tried to talk in an arrogant way. Though this did not go through with the proffesor at all. Blossom started to internally panic, but the proffesor just weirdly smiled and said that Buttercup should ask when she needs something and not go snooping around like this. He also thanked Blossom for attempting to teach Buttercup that what she did was wrong. After that day, the proffesor always observed Buttercup very closely while also passing some soul-piercing looks to Blossom. This worried Blossom very much, the fact that they would no longer be able to contact with one of her supposed teammates terrified her. It would already be difficult to take the proffesor down with all of them combined but if one of her allies were gone, she might as well mark it off as impossible.
20.03.2021 16:59
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She held a meeting with Bubbles as if desperately searching for a way to succed. Bubbless just smirked and said that there is a way to use Buttercup or better yet do this by themselves alone. Now Blossom was intrigued. She never thought someone as cutesy and bubbly as Bubbles would be able to make such a plan. She quickly asked out of excitement as to what this plan was. Bubbles quickly said that since Buttercup basically had proffesor on her at all times they could us her as bait, or they could wait it out and watch as proffesor slowly let's go off Buttercup so she could be on their team again. She also said that Buttercup could be there biggest trump card to pry out information from the professor without any suspicions as Buttercup is the closest to him.
20.03.2021 17:01
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Part 4 After hearing such a scheme coming from such a light-hearted girl such as Bubbles, it really made Blossom question how much trauma Bubbles felt as well as her sanity. Though Blossom just shrugged this weird feeling off and decided to continue with the same topic. She asked how they could even use Buttercup as such a powerful trump card when the proffesor is always watching her. They wouldn't even have the time to discuss what the proffesor said so it didn't make sense to her as to how Buttercup would even be useful as a trump card. Bubbles said that there would be absolutely no way that they proffesor would be able to watch Buttercup 24/7 as proffesor has a job to go to. And since the weekend will end tomorrow proffesor would just go to work and then at night patrol Buttercup, an obvious blindspot.
20.03.2021 17:01
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Blossom hoped that Bubbles was right and that Buttercup's little accident could lead to them finally seeing proffesor's head on a stick. When the sun rose up, Blossom quickly sprung up just so her and Bubbles could convince Buttercup to become such a powerful trump card. As she was leaving her room, she saw Proffesor leave the house. Blossom just shrugged this off as his daily routine and went to find Buttercup. Though as she started running room to room she saw something unusual. Cameras. Cameras all around. As soon as she saw them Blossom knew exactly what why they were there. To track and control Buttercup without even being here.
20.03.2021 17:01
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Although this was very panicworthy, Blossom decided to but on a brave face in front of the camera as for it to not see the fear in her eyes. She wanted to ask Bubbles for help but knew it would be too suspicious and that her relying on Bubbles so much could make Bubbles not want Blossom on the team anymore. She started looking around for a place where the cameras weren't there and wanted to make that their meeting spot. She wanted to check every room except for the basement as the basement would definitely have cameras and that Bubbles and Buttercup would outright refuse because of the memories. She started checking every room and taking long breaks as to not seem too suspicious. She went to the bathroom and sure enough, no cameras to be seen.
20.03.2021 17:02
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Blossom was very happy that there actually was a blind spot in the house though she knew it would be suspicious if three girls went to the bathroom together. She also worried about the way she'd have to tell them. There's no way she could just say their secrets in the corridor anymore with no consequences. Although she found a blind spot there's still two places the hadn't checked yet. The backyard and their room. She first decided to check outside and sadly there were still cameras. So she rushed to check their room. She first thought that there were no cameras, but after digging around, there was a very small and barely visible came on the corner of the walls. As she was done checking, it was strange to Blossom as to why these two were still sleeping. Before she just decided to let it go but now she knew they had to wake up.
20.03.2021 17:02
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Bubbles was whining and said it was too early. She decided to let Buttercup go as she knew she would be tired from last night. It was fairly strange to Blossom as to why Bubbles was whining so much as she and Blossom are both early birds, and that Bubbles sleep was never interrupted from the incident last night. So, she decided to check the clock. 8am. She was shocked. She had been looking around for two hours so it had to have been around 6 when she woke up. But she knew for a fact that when she woke up and went out her room, the proffesor was leaving. She wondered, "What was the purpose of him leaving so early?"
20.03.2021 17:03
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Part 5 Though Blossom just shrugged proffesor's early leave as unimportant, and she'll think about it later. For now all she had think about was a way to tell Bubbles and Buttercup about the new meeting grounds. She couldn't just tell them outright anymore, without being caught. After a couple minutes of brainstorming, a strange idea came to her head. She thought that maybe there was a way to tell them in the backyard. She knew that proffesor installed these cameras in the first place as to not let anyone go to the basement. So surely the backyard would be much less important than the basement. As it is out of the house and that there's nothing there to worry about outside, from Proffesor's view. If they played for 2 to 3 hours, then surely the proffesor would skip the camera recording, making enough time to tell them.
20.03.2021 17:03
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She looked at the clock to check if there was still enough time today to execute this plan. 8:30am. Blossom was weirded out over the fact that she was brainstorming for half an' hour. After get a reminder that she wasn't the brightest, she decided to wake Bubbles and Buttercup at 9am. As soon as 9 hit, Blossom started tugging at Both Bubbles and Buttercup. They were both very annoyed with Blossom's rude awakening but decided to wake up this time as they both knew that Blossom wasn't the best person to be around when angry. So Blossom waited for both of them to freshen up, and then immediately brought them to the backyard to play. Although Bubbles and Buttercup were a bit annoyed with Blossom today, they decided to play with her as her acting like her usual self was refreshing.
20.03.2021 17:04
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After half an hour Bubbles decided to call it quits and was gonna head to their room. Blossom knew that if Bubbles left, her entire plan would fall apart. So she said that they could all just chat for a while. Bubbles, surprised by Blossoms clinginess, agreed to chat eventually. Although Buttercup was annoyed as she still wasn't done with Blossom yet, but decided to let it slide as Blossom being so energetic made her feel less depressed about Bliss as well. They started talking about the world, how things would look like, how people looked like, wondered about the food and cuisine. Blossom was having so much fun just talking normally to them that she started to loose track of time as well as her plan. Though Blossom desperately wanted this to work so she told Bubbles and Buttercup that "she just needed a glass of water" even though her true intentions was checking the clock. 12pm.
20.03.2021 17:04
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There's no way the proffesor would watch an entire segment of three girls playing outside for hours. So she gleefully went back outside again and this time, tried to put a serious face on. She asked Buttercup and Bubbles to stop talking and to listen to her. Bubbles and Buttercup knew this was extremely serious as she was talking in a monotone voice. Blossom asked Buttercup and Bubbles to come inside, to show them the cameras. They were shocked. Bubbles seemed very nervous and Buttercup had fear written all over her face. Seeing the mood change, Blossom immediately took them outside to tell them that the bathroom would be their new meeting room. Bubbles and Buttercup asked how this would be a good meeting place as they wouldn't be able to go together. Blossom said that there was a way, though it would be hard to put it into action. Bubbles and Buttercup were now trying to guess how.
20.03.2021 17:04
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At first Blossom was just going to let this guessing game slide, but seeing as they didn't have much time on their hands, she decided to stop this guessing game and decided to outright tell them. She said that the person with an idea will have to secretly take a notepad in the bathroom and write down any ideas. After a certain amount of time the two remaining would go in one at a time, see the plan and if they have any objections or additions to write it on the notebook.
20.03.2021 17:06
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Part 6 Hearing this complicated plan, Bubbles and Buttercup got more and more curious and started to bombard Blossom with questions. Blossom quickly said to ask one at a time and to calm down. The questions ranged from Time to days. Blossom said that these "meetings" should be held at 3pm and that they could only hold one meeting per week as to not cause any suspicion from the proffesor. They'd also have a keyword to check the bathroom for the notebook "Playtime". After this was settled, they all went to their room. Blossom was anxiously waiting for proffesor to come back, praying that her plan had worked.
20.03.2021 17:06
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And as soon as the proffesor came home, he immediately went to check the cameras, making Blossom even more anxious. She was in her room with Buttercup and Bubbles, trying to talk to them in order to make herself calm down. But then suddenly she heard knocking on the door. She fearfully opened the door because she knew who was on the other side. There was proffesor, standing menacingly, and with a clearly fake smile. He asked Blossom to follow her, that he wanted to talk to her about something. Blossom quietly followed the proffesor trying to hide that she was shaking as well as the fear in her eyes. And when proffesor stopped, he quickly turned around ducked down to her level. He asked in a sly manner "Why were you looking at the cameras at so early in the morning, Blossom?" This made her body freeze, she tried to regain her composure and quickly said in a cheerful tone "So that's what they're called! I was looking around to see what they were and after hours I couldn't figure it out so I just gave up.
20.03.2021 17:07
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What are they for, Daddy?" The proffesor just awkwardly smiled. It was obvious he was not expecting such a cheerful and unknowing answer. He just said in a relieved tone, "Oh it's nothing dear. There were some burglars in this town so I installed cameras for security!" It was an obvious lie, though Blossom just played along and said "Can I go now Daddy?". The proffesor just nodded and let Blossom go. As soon as he did, Blossom let out a sigh of relief, she was so thankful that the proffesor didn't see right through her, and that she would end up like Buttercup. She ran to her room. She barged right through the door, only to see Bubbles and Buttercup's relieved faces. Buttercup joyfully said "We thought for sure we were gonna be dead". "Oh don't say that!" Buttercup shouted.
20.03.2021 17:07
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Blossom was glad to see these two act like themselves again, though that didn't help the fact she was still shaking and was barely able to stand. "So what happened?" "Oh nothing, all proffesor did was ask some stupid questions, no big deal." Blossom said in a carefree manner in order to not cause panic. "Oh but your shaking doesn't match with what you're saying right now." Bubbles had seen right through Blossom. It was like at that moment she was a beast, playing with her pray. "Are you perhaps a liar? Or even worse a traitor?" Bubbles exclaimed.
20.03.2021 17:07
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For her to make such accusations, it wasn't like her personality at all. As soon as Bubbles said that Blossom broke down into tears. "Hey whats up with you! Stop saying such weird things! There's no way Blossom is like that!" Buttercup said to defend Blossom. "But how do we know that for sure? I mean look at her, she's on the ground sobbing like a liar caught in a trap. I say we isolate her for a few weeks." "Do you have any proof she's a traitor?!" Buttercup said in a very annoyed manner.
20.03.2021 17:08
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"Well, I don't have any evidence of her being a traitor, though you have to admit that she's acting very suspicious right now. Hiccing and Sobbing on the ground as if I hit the bullseye." No matter how much Buttercup tried, she wasn't able to refute any of Bubbles claims. "Fine, but just for one week okay?" "Of course, I'm not a cruel person, unlike the proffesor."
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20.03.2021 17:13
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20.03.2021 17:16
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Part 7 "You say you're not being cruel, but if seeing a girl balling her eyes out doesn't even make you flinch, then I don't know what will." "Oh, if I'm 'oh so cruel' then do you have any suggestions as to what to do with her? It's obvious that you don't deny that she could be a traitor, so if there's a less cruel way to go about this then speak." "Well maybe- "That's enough." Blossom said in a depressed tone. ==Total Silence== "If this will make you not doubt me and think of me as an ally, then I'll gladly do it." Buttercup was in utter shock. She couldn't believe what was coming out of Blossom's mouth. To accept such a cruel punishment so simply was beyond her.
20.03.2021 17:17
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"I knew our Blossom was noble but I never knew she was THIS noble! This makes me hope so badly that you're not a traitor! But since you're the logical one of the group, you obviously know that I shouldn't let go of the possibility of you being a traitor, correct?" "Yes, that's correct." Blossom said now starting to tear up again. She felt as if every word that came out of her mouth was being accurately calculated by Bubbles. She felt trapped, confined and that giving up was her only option. "Well since the possibility of you being a traitor went significantly low, we won't isolate you, you can still talk to us but you won't be informed of any upcoming meetings and I'll make sure that no information gets out to you. After the week is over and you're in the clear, I'll make sure to inform you about everything as soon as possible." When hearing this, Blossom eyes glistened like beautiful stars on a starry night. She couldn't help but but hug Blossom.
20.03.2021 17:17
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"Thank you so much!" "No need to thank me! After all, it's not like I want to doubt friends!" Bubbles said now reverting back to her bubbly and optimistic self. Bubbles now excused herself to go to the bathroom. As soon as she left she left Buttercup exclaimed! "Why would you agree to such cruel terms! I mean I just don't get it! What benefit do you get from it?!" Blossom said in a said voice "It's not like she wants to doubt her friends. Before I thought that Bubbles sanity was deterioting, but now, all I see is a mask. A mask which was made to avoid any more trauma. You see how she quickly reverted didn't you? It wasn't like she trying to make herself seem even remotely sane. It was that she was relieved that I wasn't a traitor. If she wants to confirm it, then the least I could do as a friend was make her feel secure with her allies."
22.03.2021 20:18
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Hey dude.
22.03.2021 23:55
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wassup sorry, been distracted all day. hru now?
22.03.2021 23:55
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also kinda had band practice.
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