@Every Furry on Flipanim


22.04.2023 14:23
Linkempty hallways, vacant minds
all I've find is what you left behind
the silent whispers, the painful screams;
no one needs you as it seems
the truth of life so harsh and bold
all i feel is so cold
once cherished laughter, forgotten love
now nothing more than empty glove
it feels strange how you can feel
as though your worth has no appeal
once you walk out from that door
your existence isn't needed anymore

Your jokes are lame, your punchlines ain't clever
You try to get laughs, but it's not happening ever
You think you're funny, but you're not even close
Your sense of humor's is just like your dad.
a distant ghost
You can't make 'em laugh, that's a fact
It's time for you to face the facts
You're not funny, bet you cant handle that
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