Account Rules!!!
14.08.2020 22:59
LinkYOU BETTER FOLLOW THEM!!! and let me type.
14.08.2020 23:12
Link1. Please don't advertise. at least ask me first on every anim you want to advertise on.
2. don't comment on my top chain...please.
3. ALWAYS let me type. You can type only if I say you can or on an anim i don't write something for 5 minutes. I might save my top spot with a "-".
3. Please, DO NOT join a conversation on my account unless it's relevant and you're going to join in on the fun.
4. Please, don't jump into my conversations on other peoples posts unless you're catto(noicecatto cause..yeah.)
Please tell me if anything is unfair, and i will keep on making these posts so everyone knows new and old to my account! I will also add anything else you guys want that i also agree with, or I think i need to add! :)