Jurassic World Dominion
Lucky Star
♫ Panda Panda Panda Panda
The Place Where I'm Free
Illegal Pig Flying
Wwyd let me type
22.04.2020 15:44
LinkYou noticed he got hurt, when you tried to help him he swam back a little so you couldn't touch him wwyd?
Víz: wait wait! I won’t hurt you! *as soon as she walked into the water she glowed a light blue color and her legs became a tail*
Víz: what? *looks at him* *this room had a shimmering golden glow with a giant clam in the far right corner, it had bedding on it? The curtains leading in looked like seaweed painted ink black, the room was decorated with small sea treasures and one thing that stood out, a black trident with the word “farther beyond” carved in it*