Contest :>
20.06.2021 19:00
LinktHIS ConTest is The bEsT not really but Idk...
I am making this contest because you guys gave me 60 likes and 35 followers so I thought I gonna make this special contest its special because it has OPTIONS you can choose alot.
What to draw:
1. In my oc folder you can choose whatever character you want to draw.
2. You can me.
3. I can give you a theme.
4. I will give you a link in that link it has a pic you had to draw that pic.
5. Draw your favorite character from my accont for example you like gully you can draw him.
1st 44 likes and follow
2nd 33 likes and follow
3rd 22 likes and follow
4th 11 likes
I hope you enjoy doing that stuff see ya!
20.06.2021 19:02
Link*75 likes* |:^
20.06.2021 19:45
LinkAslo this contest will end at July 8th