
how firepaw fights (warriors)



Robot picks up a ball

doggo owo

Beautiful Silence


14.02.2020 07:19
LinkSpecies: Semicani (Semi=Half Cani=Canidae or Dog)
For DeeryDays Contest.
Btw, all of the blank parts are white

14.02.2020 07:21

14.02.2020 07:22
LinkAlso his name is Average, Medium is just another term for Semicani

14.02.2020 07:47
The Semicani are territorial creatures and use their spiked tail to defend their territories. Semicani live in huge burrows and are very smart when fighting. They have water-like movements and are very elegant.
Semicani can have any color, but they are always different on each side. For example, if a Semicani has Yellow on one side, and green on the other, there cannot be green on yellow and vice versa.
Females are smaller than the males (Size of a adult male husky)
Males are larger than females (Size of a horse and sometimes bigger depending on age)
The male Mediums groom their fur with their tails when it is mating season to attract female Mediums. The Medium with the cleanest and most sleek fur would get the female. When two males find a female, they will dance-fight to see who would be quicker to defend the female. Medium mates stay together until one has past.

14.02.2020 07:48
LinkMating seasons are three times a year as they have a fast growing population.
Fall, Spring, Winter

14.02.2020 07:55
LinkOpen Species
If you are going to use this species, please credit me and attach this anim to the drawing. If you see one that is similar to this drawing it is purely a coincident. And if you see one that is called Semicani and it says original or something like that, please confront them that this is my idea. Please do it nicely, I don't want enemies.
In short terms
Please credit me and if you see a drawing that looks like this one please ask them NICELY to credit me. But if they didn't know, tell them about me so I get more followers -^- jk.
Now that I read this over and over, it might not make sense but you guys have big brains, right?