10.08.2022 22:34
10.08.2022 22:34
Linkthis is just stuff that makes me wanna hit myself or something
10.08.2022 22:43
Linksomeone being called a rat.
someone being called a rat makes me wanna hit myself but even if is a joke I will hit myself still. the word rat makes me wanna rip my eyes out for like some reason.
saying that being scared of spiders is funny.
being scared of spiders is not funny. it's a real phobia. try to make me face that fear. Im gonna cry and scream alot and it's not gonna help I have dreams of spiders attacking me. crying makes myself wanna punch myself to stop.
being ignored.
being ignored just makes me wanna rip my face off and punch myself. being ignored is just.
not having like space in games or in real life.
alot of people think me wanting space in a game is a joke and saying its just a game. I know it's a game but I still want space. having space is good to me because I don't want people bothering me.
10.08.2022 22:43
Linkyeah that's allllllll
10.08.2022 22:44
Linkalso saying rat also makes me remind myself of my rude mom
11.08.2022 03:14
Linksaying UwU or OwO.
it's disgusting to me and saying that will make me call you disgusting or weird. it makes me weird and disgusted.
28.08.2022 00:00
Linksaying these make me:
hit myself
kill my happyness
or anything
Ok about the personal space one (and the others but this is not about them) I can totally agree ESPECIALLY because I have something called “phantom pain” (Boeing able to feel stuff in vr that’s not actually there) so basically I would be chilling in vr chat then someone would go up to me with a weapon or something and hit me and (as you might of guessed) that really h u r t s