- create flipbook animations online!
11.02.2022 17:54
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so i'm back HOPEFULLY. i am going to explain why i never am active here for people who care
11.02.2022 17:57
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i mainly started using this site like crazy in 2020-2021 cuz i was going on EVERYDAY to stalk someone cuz he kept lying abt me and talking shit abt me and claiming i abused him [we both know that isn't true]. this person stopped getting online and i mainly stalked his friends and shit. i enjoyed drawing on here and i did it inbetween classes cuz it was basic and not blocked by my school. i got attached and would draw here and post MULTIPLE TIMES every single day. once the 2020-2021 school year came to an end i slowly started fading from this site because i prefer getting on it on my school computer and drawing on it at my desk and shit for some reason. getting on here through my home computer on my couch or my bed or some shit just doesn't feel right to me for some reason
11.02.2022 18:01
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ontop of that, peanut drama started up again around the time the school year was coming to a close and by mid june it was going in full swing. my pedophilic stalker/hacker/impersonator, ferret/neoki, was stalking me on here as well along with some former friends of mine. one of them being sketchfloof/vampireculture. he saved vampireculture's art straight from his acc and posted it to deviantart when he decided to impersonate him [vampireculture] in mid june. sometime later he hacked into my HONEYOATZ acc and started spamming people with the n slur and swastikas and shit. it got so out of hand. i tried to change the password to the acc but this website sucks so much arse it didn't kick him out after the password change went through. when i issued a public anouncement saying my hacker came after me on here he kept deleting everything where i said i was hacked and i gave up and left the account.
11.02.2022 18:02
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that is when i ran to this account, which was originally created to stalk and f^_^ck with capsule/rudy [the person who keeps claiming i abused him] but since the creator took away the ability to make new accounts in april 2021, i was unable to create a new one, so i cleaned up stuffygutz and moved here.
11.02.2022 18:08
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when i did come back here in there in 2021 i just left after cuz tbf, i associate this website with bad things. i just thought of neoki and the hacking and the rudy shit and just i kept avoiding getting on here for that reason. not only that but i managed to knock it out of my mind during november-december 2021 due to me being in drama again and i was mainly focusing myself on yelling at people [like the stupid little ***** i was at the time] and defending myself and fighting. not to mention i was going through my own shit irl as well due to me being in constant physical pain every single day [still am tbh] which drained my mental state further. i was focusing on different things. not to mention 11/19/21 was when i first started getting back into lemon demon and neil's content in general after being scared of liking it for months on end [i was terrified two of my friends would leave me if i liked it hjjmdfjmdf] and then by december i started secretly using it to cope and as a comfort during the drama.
11.02.2022 18:08
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then the drama ended and i was mainly focusing on friendships now along with the breakdowns i kept having about my ex girlfriend
11.02.2022 18:09
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i just remembered this sites existence a few weeks ago and i decided to log back on for fun. i might vent dump here so i won't make 849040302 bulletins on toyhou.se and flood my subscribers' notifactions tbh
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