The Avelion! For a contest!

>Gift< Seph

Everyone deserves someone

Chibi Cinccinno Chan

The Chase

Captain Toadette

transgenders are valid


11.08.2021 01:35
LinkLets be honest your someone who has no life so you have to hate on others to get the attention your parents never gave you. You use weak insults like calling someone a faggot to hurt people. Your probably just bluetrue a closeted trans whos gay in some way.

11.08.2021 01:43
Linki am a closeted trans man actually. not closeted as in havent transitioned, closeted as in i never tell anybody because its not something to be proud of. being transgender is not good, its nothing to be proud about and if you take a look at the bigger picture you would know what im talking about

11.08.2021 01:46
LinkI don't believe you but if you are doing something like this can lead someone to suicide. When I found out I liked girls I was fine until my people told me it was wrong. I hated myself and wanted to die

11.08.2021 01:49
Linkits not me that leads them to suicide. im rather glad you dont believe me because as ive stated its not something i would like people to know or care about. transgenders are confused and transition because they are supported in this day and age. once they transition or go to far, they cant get their life back and regret what theyve done. theres many routes they can take but almost all of them lead to somebody taking their own life

11.08.2021 01:51
Linkso much for trolling. im ditching this account now ive gotten too serious

11.08.2021 01:52
LinkYes and no. You yourself might not lead them to suicide but you can help cause it by spreading this hate around. Some people might be convinced they're trans but that doesn't mean they'll start transitions immediately. They still need an OK to get what they need to transition. Yes people support them but thats not always the case.

11.08.2021 01:54
LinkLol thats fine ditch this acc if you want just think about what I've said. Not having an open mind won't ever help you tho