Perspective test
Weird looking grandpa
Losing my Mind《 MEME 》
night time
Izuku Midoriya!!
Gollihue Class Project 2
Where are all the roleplayers?
06.11.2024 19:05
Linkhello!! I'm not a og fa user but I WAS a roleplayer :]
specifically an undertale roleplayer,, anyways, hru?
06.11.2024 19:07
LinkIm good! Just a bit lonely because theres not a lot of people to talk too. Im just trying to find someone to roleplay with to distract my mind, because I conveniently dont have my meds.
06.11.2024 19:22
Linkahh yeah, it's rlly hard to find roleplayers in fa nowadays. You could use other roleplaying sites! Like sites that are specifically for roleplaying :]
or use if that works
06.11.2024 19:24
LinkCant- Im on a school computer and in a group home T^T
06.11.2024 19:30
Linkawwh.. hmm.. I found this ai that works on my school computer but idk if it works for u, plus its kind of bad;
UHH hm, you could make a story in the meantime! OH!! or go to magma (art site) go to art jam and make a roleplay room, maybe som ppl will join
06.11.2024 19:40
LinkI tried it, didnt work. Thats okay- why dont you just roleplay with me?
06.11.2024 19:54
LinkHmm I could! That would be fun but I’m not sure bc I get easily anxious when roleplaying 😭
If you do want to, what oc + setting/ scenario?
06.11.2024 19:55
LinkSince you do get anxious, why dont you start off with the ideas that you might wanna do?
06.11.2024 19:56
LinkHmmmm thinking thinking.. I’m fine with any, but it also depends on the characters (animals, anthro, human.. etc) :3
06.11.2024 19:59
LinkOkay, I have a scottish warrior, I love to play- his name is Bjorn, and he is just a mountain of a man. He either needs a wife or a husband
06.11.2024 20:14
LinkOoo interesting! Sorry for the late response, I had to run in PE (still in school lol)
Ewan, rugged, a survivalist, very loyal!
06.11.2024 20:17
LinkYup- that works. Want me to make the private anim?
06.11.2024 21:06
Linkscreaming in pain
My school doesn’t allow phones that much so it’s hard to reply back in timeee
Sure! Go ahead :D
06.11.2024 23:08
LinkIm alive, and here is the private anim- You can start the roleplay-
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