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20.01.2020 15:38
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I felt like the time has come to show everyone some songs I wrote. Here are 2. The second is pretty bad.
20.01.2020 15:43
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Just A Tween I’m in the middle and I’m in between. I don’t know which side to take, Cuz’ I’m just a Tween. Got the heart of a child, The body of a teen. My feelings are a roller-coaster of life, And it feels like no one has seen. I wonder what others are thinkin’ About me walkin’ Down the halls, And about me typin’. Cuz’ I’m just a Tween. Oh I’m just a Tween, I’m somewhere in between. Am I a child or a teen. I’m in the middle of life, I’m squished up tight. I’m in between… I bet that’s where they get the word… Tween. Am I a child or a teen? I’m neither cuz’ I’m just a tween. Oh, the battles that I fight, The battles I have never won, Coming to the light, Are the difficulties of this life. I don’t know how to free myself, From being a prisoner to myself, Shackled down in chains, The weights of life on my chains. Cuz’ I’m just a Tween. Oh, I’m just a Tween, I’m somewhere in between. Am I a child or a teen? I
20.01.2020 15:44
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’m in the middle of life, I’m squished up tight. I’m in between… I bet that’s where they get the word… Tween. Is there a way, To break on through? And see the dawn of day, And feel the breeze of freedom that just blew? Am I a child or a teen? I’m neither cuz’ I’m just a Tween. In the middle! In the center. Squished up in life, Walls pressed around me. Oh, I can’t breathe. No, I can’t breath! Oh I can’t breath! The toxic fumes, Are all around. The gas is spreading, And I can’t breath! This is what I feel cuz’ I’m just. A. Tween! Somebody please help me! Somebody please show me! Somebody please answer my question! Am I a child or a teen? Oh. I know the answer. I’m neither, cuz’ I’m just, a, Tween!
20.01.2020 15:45
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And I can’t take it off in front of you. There is nothing that I can do… Nobody in this life saw me it seemed… Nobody in this life saw me cry... Nobody in this life told me that It’s, all right. To be different, and quiet, To be somebody that Nobody Sees. But someone walked up to me, And asked if I was new. I answered truthfully and said, “Yes. And I’m scared, too.” Well, we walked over and sat at a table, Where her other friend was. Her friend had brought someone else who was new… And that day I knew… I wasn’t something that Nobody Sees. So when someone from school asks your name, And you are new… Tell them your name, And say,”I’m new.” You are not something Nobody sees. That person just saw you.
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