Kyubey doing Incubator things
"Reload! Reload!"
Jurassic World Dominion
fairy gone
very passionate rant :)))
10.04.2022 21:19
Linkhow to slap children legal
10.04.2022 21:21
Linkhey fetuses!!! your parents yelling at you for refusing to do your share around the house isn't abusive!!! it's called parenting!!! and omg you mfs who keep crying because you were yelled at for doodling instead of catching up on your 20 missing assigmments?? grow some balls and do your work!!!
10.04.2022 21:23
Linki cannot express how much i want to yell at kids i see or hear talk about how they HATE their mom or dad (i mostly see dad because oh mom is always the good parent) and im sitting here like
bro you wanna trade of parents' health???
10.04.2022 21:25
Linkmost of you mfs have healthy parents who are trying to parent your rebellious ass because you think having 10 pride flags is a personality trait
so i ask
if you had a dad (or mom i suppose) who has something like 3 terminal illnesses and a shitton autoimmune diseases, ONTOP of being 100% disabled and dealing with a myriad of other illnesses and diseases along with mental problems like ptsd
would you still act that way???
10.04.2022 21:27
Linklet me ask you children!!!
if you had to wake up every day knowing damn well you could walk into the next room and see your parent has fallen over dead from a heart attack or stroke or collapsed lungs or they drowned in their own body fluids or anything else!!, would you still complain about how you hate them even though they're trying to raise you along with everything else that comes with being an adult with a family???
10.04.2022 21:30
Link"omg my mom/dad said i couldnt use my NintendoTM switch because i said i didnt wanna do the dishes!!! i hate them 😥😥"
sorry maybe dont be a dumb child and just, follow the rules???
and hey!! i get that some kids genuinely have bad parents!! but i have a s n e a k i n g suspicion that most of yall who say your parents are abusive have a hard time seeing the difference between abuse and having strict parents
10.04.2022 21:36
Linkso hey!!
maybe instead of going "omg i HATE my mom/dad" and always putting that in your MTAs because u think you're edgy, maybe genuinely try and see from a different pov that
this person is having to raise a child that is not following their rules (so long as it's not somethinf like, wash the house and cut down 10 trees or smth yk) deal with whatever economy of the country said parent lives in, bills, and keeping a job
maybe think about that just a LITTLE bit
You remember that popular person who's name was like stickworld or something literally hated their mom and was all edgy and acted depressed because of this very reason.
They literally made like 3 rants because they were asked to clean their room
i remember some1 on here (not saying the name)
wanted to off themself because their mom didn't take them to get ice cream
i hate people like that. are parents not allowed to parent these days? yall be calling everything abusive.
my dad literally attacked me with a chair because i pushed it angrily like how a child between the ages of 4 and 8 would, only because he yelled at me for the little thing. that was abuse. being punished with no games or whatever because you won't do chores is not abuse.
can't stand those type of kids, grow a brain, would you?