Blue CatFish
YouCantStopTheSky (Gift4Under)
20 Art style Challenge
dancer leap (better)
Stormy Days
Guys, let's play "The Game"
09.07.2020 13:26
Linkyes, "the game"
09.07.2020 13:26
Linknot a game, "the game"
09.07.2020 13:26
Linkyou are lucky that you didn't lose
The Rules
1 Everyone in the world is playing The Game. (This is alternatively expressed as, "Everybody in the world who knows about The Game is playing The Game" or "You are always playing The Game.") A person cannot refuse to play The Game; it does not require consent to play and one can never stop playing.
2 Whenever one thinks about The Game, one loses.
3Losses must be announced. This can be verbally, with a phrase such as "I just lost The Game", or in any other way: for example, via Facebook. Some people may have ways to remind others of The Game.
oh and.
The definition of "thinking about The Game" is not always clear. If one discusses The Game without realizing that they have lost, this may or may not constitute a loss. If someone says "What is The Game?" before understanding the rules, whether they have lost is up for interpretation. According to some interpretations, one does not lose when someone else announces their loss, although the second rule implies that one loses regardless of what made them think about The Game. After a player has announced a loss, or after one thinks of The Game, some variants allow for a grace period between three seconds to thirty minutes to forget about the game, during which the player cannot lose the game again.[5][6]
The common rules do not define a point at which The Game ends. However, some players state that The Game ends when the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom announces on television that "The Game is up."[3]