22.02.2024 20:23
22.02.2024 20:24
LinkOk number one that crap is expensive. You’re going to spend so much money that could have been used for something better like a car or idk RENT?!
22.02.2024 20:27
Link2 the side affects aren’t worth it, y’all like hot tumblr men but you can’t have them if all your teeth rotted out your mouth
22.02.2024 20:28
Link3 eating disorders, sometimes doing drugs can lead to anorexia and others. Not very fun I tell you
22.02.2024 20:29
Link4 overdoses. You don’t wanna go out like Twomad that’s just disappointing
22.02.2024 20:30
Link5 can lead to permanent disabilities. I have a cousin who is 30 but has the mental capacity of a 4 year old because he did drugs and overdosed on them. You can’t live life to the fullest in a wheelchair
22.02.2024 20:34
Link6 laced drugs, imagine you’re smoking weed and all of a sudden you’re in the emergency room, not only is that bill high you’re probably going to die or end up paralyzed for life.
I know it seems like I’m being dramatic but it’s important to know that when you’re doing unsafe things,unsafe things will happen to you
oh yeah and after a certain amount of time of use your body needs the drug all the time
so seizures and other health problems happen after stopping
i witnessed this happen to my mom
another thing is crime, like my dad was so cracked out one time he literally committed so much arson within the span of a week
and then now you can tell he did drugs for a long time because he seems like a tweaker (i love my dad so much, and it hurts to know i wasnt able to know him for like 10 year because of this)