05.03.2019 02:17
LinkHii morgy
05.03.2019 02:18
Linkhai :>
05.03.2019 02:23
it may make you ffeel weak but honestly it should always let off a little steam. also one thing I never knew that. im litarely sorry. I feel so bad for so many things ive said before as of making you feel horrible and like you need to change. cause ill say this once and ill say it 100000 times. your amazing and I don't care if you copy anymore, cause its just you.
thank you but truth fully your the nice person.
my friend who was tecnacly my will to live stoped talking to me or contacting me since she moved. and role playing, or not even just talking to you just made me want to wake up early just to talk to you. so other then my wimpyness your a reason why im not hanging, off of a celling fan or bleeding out of my wrist. I love ya fam (no homo tho xD)
XD , honestly the only time I really talk to you is on Thursday and Tuesday cause it’s flip day at my school and I go to seventh period which is civics instead of gym which is my first period
I wake up at 5:30 every day and am on flipanim until about 7:30 or the rest of the morning depending on the day , which means th usaul frame for you in your time is like 4:30 to 6:30 xD