Angie Yonaga- DanganronpaV3
13.06.2020 19:39
LinkStill mad the site deleted the frames :')
In Congwess, Juwy 4, 1776.
The unanimous Decwawation of the thiwteen united States of Amewica, When in the Couwse of human events, it becomes necessawy fow one peopwe to dissowve the powiticaw bands which have connected them with anothew, and to assume among the powews of the eawth, the sepawate and equaw station to which the Waws of Natuwe and of Natuwe's God entitwe them, a decent wespect to the opinions of mankind wequiwes that they shouwd decwawe the causes which impew them to the sepawation.
We howd these twuths to be sewf-evident, that aww men awe cweated equaw, that they awe endowed by theiw Cweatow with cewtain unawienabwe Wights, that among these awe Wife, Wibewty and the puwsuit of Happiness.--That to secuwe these wights, Govewnments awe instituted among Men, dewiving theiw just powews fwom the consent of the govewned, --That whenevew any Fowm of Govewnment becomes destwuctive of these ends, it is the Wight of the Peopwe to awtew ow to abowish it, and to institute new Govewnment, waying its fo