School rules are stupid


21.04.2022 22:54
LinkSchool rules suck. Let me list some for you that are at my school:
1. The girls are not allowed to wear ripped jeans (you cannot wear leggings under also) but the guys can wear ripped jeans.
2. If no one eats something on their plate (like a fruit in it's little container) the lunch ladies can take them out as well as the tray and reuse them. (The trays arent even metal. The trays are plastic.)
3. If you are late to class (that also means just being a few seconds late) the teacher can mark you tardy. If your are late 3 times, you get detention and a referral. The school is big as well, so if I have a class on one side of the school, and have to go to the other side of the school, I'm going to be late regardless.
4. You have to walk one direction down the hallways. Which means if your class is on the left, you have to walk to the right and go all the way around the hallway to get to that class. This also is a problem considering rule 3.
5. You cannot use the bathroom during class. Only during cl

21.04.2022 22:55
Linkclass transitions. Which is dumb because transitions are only like- 4 to 5 minutes. And considering rule 4 and 3, thats also a problem.

21.04.2022 22:56
LinkThe rules make NO sense whatsoever. AS WELL AS THAT they are unsanitary and NASTy

god I thought my middle school rules sucked?? my god that's awful, I wonder if there are any loopholes for 3 4 and 5

1. thats stupid
2. if they wash it then yeah i think they can? and the person didnt eat the food they didnt get the tray dirty so????
3. talk with your teacher about, maybe you can talk out a plan
4. its so the hallways are orderly, you dont want a chaos filled hallway
5. hold it in, svhool bathrooms are disgusting anyways-
anyways i disagreement with the general message that "sCHooLs RulES aRe dUmb!!1" because i love rules. but eh idk

1. Yes it is stupid
2. They will reuse the same food over and over again. After a while, the food will get old. As well as the treys, that do not put half the food on there on any type of plate or anything. It is unsanitary regardless to just fish them out the trash and reuse them all the time.
3. Some teachers dont listen some do. Depends on who it is.
4. Yes, I agree with that but I mostly have a problem with it when little to no one is in the halls. They still make you go the "right way" even if no one is in the hallway.
5. It's not all about holding it in. Girls have periods or it could be an emergency from having to hold it in because of the other classes.
And not all school rules are dumb. Some are actually reasonable but the ones at mine seem very inconsistent.