- create flipbook animations online!
Chapter 1 I guess
11.05.2020 15:47
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Germany looked in the mirror. His hair was greasy and he looked tired. 'Maybe I should take a shower.' He thought. Well, that was the best thing he could do. He took a nice cold shower. He had some r/showerthoughts moments but that was about it. He stepped out of the shower, letting the cold air calm his body. He changed and then looked at the clock. Oh god. He was five minutes late to his ride. He put on his glasses and grabbed his bag. Then he booked it out of his apartment room. He ran into the elevator and waited until he got to the lobby. There, he saw Japan and Italy. He sighed out of relief. They were still there.
11.05.2020 15:48
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Japan saw him first. She basically appeared in front of him and wrapped her arms around him. "Germany-san! I missed you! Why were you late?!" Japan asked. "J-japan... I-I can't breaTHE!" Germany managed to gasp out. Italy smacked Japan's head with his hand. Japan's grip loosened out of shock. "Japan sometimes you make me thing that Imperial Japan wasn't so bad." Italy said. "Ehh?! Meanie!" Japan pouted. The Germany tensed. "Guys we're la-" Before he finished, Japan grabbed Germany and Italy and she basically threw them in Italy's car. Italy was in the drivers seat while Japan and Germany were in the back seat. Italy spent no time sitting out of shock like Germany, who was still processing what was happening. Italy suddenly started driving. "Hey, Germany-san, did you hear the rumors? There's going to be a new employee in the office today!" Germany rolled his eyes.
11.05.2020 15:48
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"You shouldn't believe random rumors, Japan." "Yeah, but what if there was a new employee? What if one of them fell in love with you?" "Japan, you seriously need to stop reading fan-fictions..." Italy chimed in. Germany grabbed a book out of his bag and buried his head in it, in attempts to drown Japan's weird fantasy's out of his head. A couple minutes later Italy smacked his hand onto the wheel. "Hey, guys we're here." The trio was greeted by an angry ASEAN in this hallway. "Where were you three? We had to halt our plans because of you." ASEAN scolded. Germany knew this was it for him. This was the third time he was late with the same excuse. The only thing different this time was Japan and Italy were here with him.
11.05.2020 15:48
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Japan saw Germany's tensed form and suddenly thought of an excuse. "Sorry, ASEAN-san! I started a new manga! Would you like to read with me?" She asked, slowly getting uncomfortably close to him. ASEAN backed away and rolled his eyes. "No, Japan... Just don't do it again!" ASEAN said. He motioned them to follow him.
11.05.2020 15:49
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They walked into the meeting room which was basically just a auditorium and a movie theater mixed together. Japan, Italy, and Germany gasped at what they saw. America and Russia were fighting while UN and EU were hugging each other out of fear in a corner. ASEAN shook his head. "Ugh, I have to deal with the babies 24/7..." ASEAN mumbled as he grabbed his slipper. All the ASEAN countries tensed. So many bad memories stored in a little slipper... ASEAN slapped both the countries with the slipper many times then tied up America and shut him up with duct tape. Russia rubbed his head. UN walked up on stage, ignoring the tied up body in the corner. UN put his hands together as EU and ASEAN took their seats next to him.
11.05.2020 15:50
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"Please take your seats everyone!" UN said with a warm smile. Germany sat next to Russia, since Germany was the most quiet in the office, he thought it would be comforting. EU cleared his throat. "You all heard the rumors about the new employee." He said. "Well, sorry to break it to you, but those rumors aren't true!" UN chimed in. Every country relaxed and everyone could hear Japan sigh and whisper, "Today isn't my day." ASEAN rolled his eyes and mumbled to the others, "Guys quit it." EU laughed sheepishly. Still UN and EU didn't say anything. They were still looking at ASEAN. "Ugh, you want ME to say it?" EU nodded. ASEAN sighed.
11.05.2020 15:50
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"Those rumors were lies, we don't have a employee joining us, we have two." All the countries tensed. Murmurs spread around the meeting room. "What? Isn't it crowded enough in here?" "But we need more friends you know." "Ugh, if they're both girls I swear." "What? We need more girls here! I mean look at the groups here! Germany's group don't have a single girl in it!" "What about Japan?" "You get my point!" EU clapped his hands together in a irritated way as if to say, 'A bit rude, guys!' But his smile turned into an evil smirk to a warm smile. "Here they come!" Two countries walked into the room. One male and the other female. As soon as they both stepped on stage the male country started speaking, "Hey, I'm Czech Republic. But, you can just call me Czech. I'm looking after this girl." He pointed to the female country. There was silence for a moment. Czech elbowed they female country. She jolted up and whispered Sorry then she took a breath.
11.05.2020 15:51
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"Hi! I'm Poland! I was recently discharged from the hospital!" She pointed to the scar on her face. "Ah, right. You can call me Pola if you want to." She added. UN smiled sweetly. ASEAN wasn't even paying attention. And EU was paying attention he just looked bored out of his mind. Czech and Pola took a seat near the stage. "Alright, you guys have 3 hours off today! Help the new ones if you want." EU smiled. Everyone stood up after they were dismissed. Germany waited for Japan but she never came. Germany grabbed his bag and left to the roof. Thats where Italy, Japan, and Germany always had lunch together. He swung the door open, only to see Italy.
11.05.2020 15:51
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"Germany? Where's Japan?" Germany shrugged. "I don't know. I thought she was with you." Germany sat next to Italy. "Anyway, I sat next to Maphilindo and you won't believe what they did during the meeting!" After half an hour of Italy ranting about the young workers they heard the door slam open. "Germany-san, Italy-san! I'm sorry I'm late! But, I brought a guest!" Japan panted, catching her breath. As if on cue, hurried footsteps made their way up the stairs. Germany looked up to see... Poland?
11.05.2020 15:52
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Pls don't be mad at me I suck at writing and this is all I have This is more of a prologue-
12.05.2020 02:14
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' "Japan, you seriously need to stop reading fan-fictions..." Italy chimed in. ' THIS IS WHY I ****ING LOVE ITALY AS A CH
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