oh boy
13.11.2020 21:03
Linkwoah two cuphead posts back to back look at that
fun fact: I bought and beat this game on switch, and I have a total of 35 hours clocked into it.
I learned a few things, so heres some tips:
weapons are god. Make sure to check your weapon line up (and charm) before you go to any boss. Same goes for your bro.
second, make sure to always play on regular. You cant beat it on easy. If you do, not only do not get the soul contract, but you get a message from king dice reminding you that "yOu hAve To PlaY on RegUlAr"
third, reminder that king dice is the hardest boss imo. (or the one that made me rage most). In fact, the devil himself is fairly moderate, just watch out for the obstacles
those are all basic, but the game is pretty basic. Just have fun, and a reminder that its okay to smash your controller lmao