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Crossover AU (LMT)
12.07.2022 02:36
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12.07.2022 02:37
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Six looked around the room a bit, there were stairs ahead of them, leading to a hallway with a low ceiling. She walked over to them, Seven trailing a little closer than before. The rainwing cast him a questioning look, one he didn’t seem to notice. So she just ignored him. The two dragonets were only a little ways into the hallway, when something above them creaked. Six glanced up, her heart dropping as she stopped and watched for a terrifying moment as the Janitor lowered himself down. She felt a tug on her hood, and that was enough to get her running. The two slid under a pipe in unison, quickly getting back up, and dashing into the elevator. Both of them stopped looking around the space wildly. Seven nudged Six, and nodded towards a box. Quietly the two of them ducked into the box, having to be uncomfortably squished against each other. Six bit her tongue as her bad wing was pressed against the side of the box.
12.07.2022 02:38
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The dragonets watched as the Janitor came in, sniffing the air and momentarily feeling around, before turning around and pressing the button. The door shut, and the elevator started going up, as the janitor continued feeling around looking for them. A light green color started creeping up Six’s claws as her scale color changed, expressing her fear. She barely dared to breathe as she watched the Janitor, her expression was hard and unreadable. The only thing giving away her fear was the slowly spreading light green color on her scales. The skywing moved closer, having finished inspecting the other stack of boxes. His claws run over the boxes on top of the one the dragonets hid in. The light scraping of claws on wood could barely be heard by Six over the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears. The membrane of the wing that was fused to his arm obscured the view of the rest of the elevator as he blindly inspected the boxes.
12.07.2022 02:39
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The elevator stopped, a ding rang out as a door parallel to the one they’d entered in, opened. And, a gnome scuttled out. The janitor’s attention snapped away from the boxes at the sound as he turned, growled, and chased after the gnome. A heartbeat passed, and then another before the two crept out of their hiding space. “That was close,” Seven breathed out, his eyes still wide with fear. “Too close,” Six sighed, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, “Lets just keep moving”. She walked into another room, which seemed to be a dead end for them. Six took out her lighter, letting the small flame flicker to life and illuminate a portion of the room. The rainwing looked around, quickly finding a loose floorboard. A box of building blocks was keeping it from tipping down like a sea-saw. “Seven, come help me push this box,” she commanded as she flicked off the lighter, putting it away and started pushing the box. Seven quickly joined her, and together they quickly moved the box off the loose floorboard.
12.07.2022 02:40
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Swiftly the two made their way down into the hollowed floor. Soon scraping could be heard above them, meaning they were possibly right under the Janitor’s nose without him knowing. Six knew it wouldn’t last though. They couldn’t go much farther without reaching a dead end, and some of the supports lead to an open floor great. The dragonets made their way up the support, luck was at least partly on their side as cloth was laying about. A monkey toy with symbols stood in the middle of the cloth, both dragonets snaked around the, rather creepy, toy. She looked into the other room distastefully. Dolls blocked they’re way to drawers they could climb. The rainwing looked back past Seven. An idea was brewing in her mind as she looked at the toy. She fully turned around, creeping past Seven and over to the creepy monkey. Seven cast her a ‘what in the world are you doing?’ look, as she grabbed the toy, stood on her hind legs, and threw it.
12.07.2022 02:40
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The toy crashed to the ground, turning on, banging its symbols together. Six heard the Janitor stop- whatever he was doing to come and investigate. And as he came over, she and Seven stayed on the cloth, ran though the dolls, and over to the drawers. Swiftly the two started climbing up, and it was admittedly going well. Until Six knocked over an empty paint can on a shelf with her tail. Without another thought the two scurried up the rest of the way, managing not to knock over anything else in their haste. They then jumped to the top of a slightly higher shelf with a box on top. Six could see the opening to a vent behind the box, and with the shelf being just out of the Janitor’s freakishly long reach, she started pushing it aside. Seven quickly joined her, and together they pushed the box off the shelf entirely. It landed on the Janitor’s head, blocks of wood and carving tools falling out as it did so. The two dragonets looked at each other, small smiles on their faces.
12.07.2022 02:41
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‘Maybe he isn’t totally annoying after all.’ Six thought as she ducked into the vent, Seven’s clicking claws, and angry growls from the Janitor could be heard behind her.
12.07.2022 02:42
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EE I'm done typing. Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter :3 I sure as heck enjoyed writing it and making the art for it (I'm very proud of the art for this one)
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12.07.2022 20:02
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This chapter is perfect! I love the way you wrote it and the drawing just is- YES✨ Also I’m thinking of rewriting my old series called Pyriahs Shadows, do you think I should post it on here?
12.07.2022 21:10
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Thank you, I am very proud of the drawing and this chapter :3 And I don't know. You should if you want too, and/or think people would enjoy it. But mostly only if you want too.
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