maybe its time?


15.05.2020 20:05
LinkI'm very sorry I've stopped coming in here anymore. 3 years, can you imagine it? I was introduced to this site by a friend in its earliest ages. I never thought I would come this far. I never thought I would end it, either.
I apologize for not making a very big anim, drawing, animation, etc. to announce my departure. I haven't really been feeling motivated to do anything, so theres no surprise I would put little to no effort in this.
I might come back later. Few months. A year. Maybe never. I dont want to make this too large of a deal as ill still be talking to others from flipanim, just not be on the site itself.
I hope you guys all know I love you individually. You guys made me feel special. Like my talent was actually good. Knowing I inspired people.. it feels nice. I'm happy. I'm sorry I'm not going to be online. Please just do one favor for me. Never stop drawing, okay? Practice makes improvement. You don't have to be perfect. Everyone starts off somewhere. Thank you guys.

15.05.2020 20:07
LinkHow to talk to me, if you need help, advice, drawing tips, or just to be there for me:
Instagram= (personal) skylargreenn
Instagram= (art, I barely post) furrytrxsh
Discord= FurryTrash#3632
Xbox= Noyankeebrim203

17.05.2020 18:27
LinkI found out just because I forgot what flipaclip was called
Comment removed

20.05.2020 03:39
LinkI was searching for online doodling websites. And pls don't leave. ur awesome! :'(

28.05.2020 20:09
Linku may call your self tarsh ... no matter what peeps say ... you are not

28.05.2020 20:34
LinkWell i already am trash

02.06.2020 12:51
Linkspread this around

01.10.2020 03:48
LinkNo one says he's trash thoug

23.10.2020 03:34
LinkI’d feel bad if I left a like because I’d feel like I’m happy your leaving miss you hope you make a channel somewhere else where all your fans can admire your art.

30.10.2020 00:29
LinkThis looks like an animatronic from Chuck E. Cheese, lol

23.02.2021 14:20

25.04.2021 18:51

16.05.2021 02:03
Linkfurry arent trash ;(

I’m gonna miss you so much, you were and always will be my first inspiration on here. Thank you 💛🌻✨
Stay safe.

Awe, all your art is beautiful but no need to apologize! We all understand, but maybe someday you’ll revisit the site! <3
I’d love to see how all your art has progressed <3

You were on here since before I’ve even started Flipanim. You were a huge inspiration to me. I hope you stay safe, please keep on doing what you love. Bye FT!

You have been so sweet and kind to me Sky, please have fun wherever you go and I have one favor to ask. Never stop being the lovely beautiful person you are. Never stop being that one person everyone NEEDS to like. You're too sweet and kind to be disliked. It's sad that you have to go but I hope that you get your motivation and eventually come back and say hello to everyone 💖✨💖✨

We will seriously miss you!!! You are one of my biggest inspirations on here. In every piece I can see that you put your heart and soul into every stroke you lay on the canvas. I am also losing motivation on here and I have found other art sites that intrigue me. I'm not sure if I can commit fully to leaving yet, it is very brave of you to do so. Good luck on your journey of art. Continue to be an amazing person and never give up.

I hate to see you go because you are one of my biggest inspirations in this website, I hope you do come back but you shouldn't. You are right there are probably more toxic people on this website than nice people and those toxic people can really affect someone. To think you, Taco, and glitter are getting up and heading out all in the same year. I really hope you find people irl that boost your motivation by a lot. Ignore the people begging you to stay you have a good reason to leave and they shouldn't go against that. Even though we weren't close I don't think I'm gonna miss you a lot. Stay safe, have fun, be happy and try not to lose motivation. 💖

We will ALL miss you, FurryTrash.. Your art is great!!
You should never give up on your dreams, and you are NOT trash, and haters gonna hate. But just ignore them, because they're wrong! I wish you could stay, much, MUCH longer. But that is up to you, of course. I really hope you come back, and stay happy and full of joy! Goodbye! ;_;

You probably won't see this, but im gonna say it anyways.
I left this site a year ago and almost completely forgot about it, but before then, you had been my idol.
Every day i came on here, you were one of the fist accounts i checked.
Your art and animations always made me (and the community) smile.
I came back yesterday, to realize that you had left.
I hope that you know we all support you, and will miss you greatly.
You were an amazing infuence, and im happy to have been able to watch your account grow.
We will never forget you, i hope you remeber us.

Omfg you posted this two months ago. I hope you see this. I looked at alot of your stuff and we share alot of vies, like the feature rant thing. I admire your openness and bravery to say something like that, and i wish I could do that. Im sorry i only found your stuff after you left, and i hope you come back soon. *blows kisses* BUh bYe AnD gOoD lUCk In thE reAL wORlD!!!

(Sorry i´m late!)I did not want you to leave but I think it is the best for you...I will miss you...I will never forget you...I will never unfollow Sorry are just super drawing I hope you get better and Better!...Live a good life and become a famous really helped me with art! inspired me with your amazing art!...We will never forget you...we will always love you...and if you come back and see this I hope I make your day...Bye...
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Bruh. Why is it that EVERYONE has to quit or, “lose motivation” when they finally get a feature? Waste of time and work!! AUGH!
Comment removed

I don't believe it. You were one of the first people I followed on this site. After being gone working on a bunch of projects I come back to this. And honestly, I am not sad. I am happy that you are moving forward. I was so excited to come back and show you all the things that I have been working on even if I am barely someone you even know because I feel very inspired by your work. But since that work got deleted, I knew that this was some sort of sign. I just felt something shift in my world. And sure enough, here you are. You are amazing, incredible, and are an inspiration. Not just to me, but to many. Please take that with you. You will be missed.