Objective: Feature :3
17.12.2023 02:10
Linkbasically, whenever theres a nice/really detailed and impressive artwork on flipanim, it gets a little star by the like button, which means it has been featured.
Today, i am bored asf, and my 9pm caffiene energy is kicking in, so i decided i would try to make detailed animations and images with flipanim, to get featured.
i dont think anyone on this planet is as bored as i am rn.
17.12.2023 02:14
Linki like the fact that the evolution of my flipanim content is:
Among Us 2020 memes, FNAF animations, Anti-Furry, Boisvert_ schizoposts, and now just detailed images, all out of nowhere.
(I strongly regret the Anti-Furry phase, and yes, I will indeed continue the schizoposts.)