Dont mind this
24.02.2022 01:16
LinkIf youre here to "correct" my *****ing go away boo im just in a mood
24.02.2022 01:19
I hate my plushie its turning out hideous
my asshole family is giving me stink eye after hiding m y goddamn mr rope man (aka probably why im in a mood)
im still pissed off that people are still forwhatever reason willing to defend my shitty ass ex who manipulated and gaslight me for uh, over a year
my spine hurts
i hate every fcking human on the planet
yes im cussing deal with it
24.02.2022 01:22
LinkI lost my ****ing papa jackie and leafy and im literally in a state of seething rage
Show me a pic, I can help you!
That's really mean they're hiding your things, I can think of much worse things a person of your demographic would be obsessing over. I turned out just fine despite my weird interests.
They were mad at ret*rd? I never understood why people hate that word. Its not inherently bad! It literally just means slow not like stupid or defected. So many of the mental illness vocabulary is all twisted up. "Mad" means crazy "spaz" refers to a seizure-like condition, "hysterical" refers to a misogynistic illness, "dumb" actually refers to mute people yet these are all common and non offensive words to most people.
Trying to be politically correct is a never ending game. 4th graders will just come out with new no-no words just when the adults have started saying stupid crap like "differently abled" or "handi capable" lmao.
Funny story, when I was in high school some of the students got together and started a petition called "Stop Saying the R Word" everyone at my lunch table signed it but me. Later I found out they started the petition because the "special needs" class started calling each other ret*rds and laughing. They thought it was funny!! None of them gave a shit!
I know, I know, you're still having fun online. I won't try to spoil it for you haha! I've been online since I was about 13 so I'm burnt out and totally sick of it so I don't care about any type of audience. I've received death threats and when I was younger it did bother me but now I just hit that block button and laugh.
I recently had someone share pictures of my kids on FB and imply they were being abused. Its a whole story and a half, she was on the Steve Wilkos show and got her kids taken away for saying she beat them on TV. Now she harasses people online and she always gets them upset and crying in her comments. She'll tell people their kids are ugly and their father mol*sts them. I just blocked her and reported it, like lol who gives a shit.
Honestly, I like your parents but they seem so closed minded and weird about every little thing. I used to talk to your mom on FB about everyday (about 5 years) until we met in person and she started to act like I was a stranger. It just makes me sad because(1
(2/2) because she was really cool and we shared lots of personal stories. I really related with her and it was nice to have another family member to talk to, especially a girl because I never get to have cool female friends lol. Idk why she was awkward after we met but oh well, I don't have any hard feelings about it. I was also sad they could never get along with my dad or his wife but again, that's just life sometimes. Maybe they will loosen up a little. I felt very awkward myself being in that state it was a crappy place for me and I was not able to be myself when I was living there.
I honestly just online because for years i wasnt able to hang out with anyone other than creepy church kids who will freak out if you say "boobies" and will death threat you for drawing stereotypical horror movie characters
and i genuinely have no clue what my parents issue is, they simply just go bat shit crazy if one single little thing upsets them, though honestly they arent the best people to actually hang out wth, because ive caught them talking shit about e v e r y o n e they hang out with afterwards, which is totally not cool
It is really awful to be so alone. Hanging out with just a few people, especially only family, makes you want to kill them even if you love them. I loved making friends online but so many times I'll have a friend for YEARS and then wake up to find that I'm blocked with no warning or explanation. At least if someone irl ignores you can show up at their lunch period and say "wtf man??" Church kids scare me too, they always turn into huge whores or just boring tattle tales. Maybe a couple turn out okay but I haven't met one, lol.
Your parents- idk man. Maybe their life is too spoiled and your town is too small or maybe they're just jerks. I feel like they hang out with gross people because it makes them feel better about themselves? They're not even lame people so I don't understand why they do that. Some of their 'friends' are so disgusting and evil I was actually upset they let them around you. I'm not trying to trash talk either, but I don't think its bad to be honest.
Also I wanna say its totally not normal to talk trash about everyone you hang out with. I can genuinely say I have about 10 adult friends who I have mostly positive things to say about regardless of how often we hang out or what they're doing with their life. I can say "Oh So-n-So is kind of a dumbass who can't handle his money and his life is a mess but he's a good person and I hope he's doing well. I always have a great time with him." Not just shit talking for hours at a time lol.
I only have one 'friend' who I honestly shit talk a little too much but we've known each other for about 12 years so it feels wrong to block contact. Its not like I hate her, I'm just massively disappointed with how she turned out and we don't have much in common anymore.
In all honesty i dont really like being around people really, they are all dicks lmao
but church kids man, they are all like furries who behave like 3rd graders and are like my age, i think they are too isolated from the real world to properly be a human
and i dont know honestly whats up with that, its honestly pretty indecent if you ask me. They shit talk decent people who do the tiniest damn thing they dissagree with but like. Even when i was a child they let that ronnie kid around me when i was a child, who i think went to jail for grooming underage women? On the bright side i got to call him a *****
but they trash talk everyone, good, bad, in between
ive even caught them doing it about me and then lying to me about it?
I dont know but im honestly having a brain rupture listening to them blab non stop
Like they will shit talk anyone for anything,such as getting one little fact wrong or talking to them too much or something?
Hell they even shit on people for things they cant really control
from my experience they torment me non stop about the characters i make and shit, even down to blaming mr rope man for me being "weird" in their eyes
they shit on me for watching crime shows
they shit on me for practically everything other then when i drew slutty furry chicks
and they shit on you about a lot of stuff that i dont remember
they shit on your dad and his wife non stop
they even shit on their old man friend you met at the car show one time
its genuinely scumbag behavior if you ask me
Just pity the church kids. They're about to be in complete misery when they realize their parents sold them some picture perfect ideas about how the world works. Its not their fault they're dumb. My childhood was so bad becoming an adult was a relief lol.
Oh no they told me Ronnie would follow 14 year old girls home from school. He'd choke and beat his girlfriend, he had child p*rn in his house, lots of gross shit. He's still in prison last I checked. His 'dad' Ed is not really his dad either. Him and his old wife had a swingers' party and that's how Ronnie was made. Phuckin imagine that, ew!!! That old Ed guy was making sex jokes to me right in front of you that one time it was your birthday and we were all at your house. I think you were 11? That really creeped me out!
I know everyone talks a little shit, its human, but its easy to know when certain people take it too far and they fixate on it constantly. I might talk shit about groups of people too much, I admit that but I really don't (1/2)
(2/2) Talk badly about people I associate with in person. I'd rather just cut them off instead of letting them pollute my life if I really had nothing nice to say. I'm not strict on lifestyles or opinions either for example: I HATE weed but I don't care if my friends smoke around me or talk about it as long as they aren't trying to get me to smoke it.
Liking crime shows or drawing creepy pics is nothing bad. Really dumb to diss on that. There's many reasons people like creepy things, it can be comforting and positive. Humans are naturally attracted to morbidity may as well accept it.
Btw we can talk on a different forum or website or text each other if you want- if this is too public or the website is annoying.
Its honestly hard to pity things that tell youmto go to hell because you are different from them, but honestly i get it, id be a creepy church kid too if i wasnt exposed to actual children at one point
wait really? Ick, no wonder why i was always so uncomfortable around the people they used to talk to.
I mean like, yeah, we all have people we hate that are fun to joke about but every single person is excessive,
yeah?? Like my mother watches that kind of crap with me and we will ramble about serial killers for hours and then she turns around and snitches on me to my psycho grandmother who brings it up every time im in a bad mood, its honestly hypocritical, they even make fun of me for hours on end over mister rope man after i put years of effort into making him, spent a good long hour explaining his lore and shit to my mother and then she andthe rest of my dick family members shame me for low self confidence
but we could talk on discord if you hsve it im dead on everything else
There was a lot of stuff I actually forgot about on those guys, that's how gross they were. Your mom says she's actually the legal heir to Ed's house and possessions so when he dies she gets all the money he hid in the house. I don't think he's even a big shot like he says he is, just some incredibly average old perv.
I had the opportunity to take my (maternal) grandma's house and money when she dies but I told her to f-off because she's a horrible person and I don't want to associate with her. Sometimes I regret it a little because idk if I'll ever have the chance to buy a house on my own like I've always wanted to- but I think it was the right choice.
(2/2)I also had several people in my life who were perverts and creeps I dropped. They were dudes who I knew as a little kid and didn't understand until years later and after I had formed a friendship with them. I still feel sad about it sometimes and then I think about the evil shit they did to myself and others- I feel ANGRY no one was around to warn me. If I had even JUST ONE sane adult to tell me "Please don't hang out with the kid who pulls his pants down and screams when he's upset, that's not normal" or "please don't hang out with the other kid who pisses in his basement because he's too lazy to get up." I think my sister and I would have been sparred a lot of childhood trauma lol... All the adults in my life were either non-caring or just as gross. It would be normal to assume at the ages of 8-16 I would have known better on my own but I literally saw so much shit like that it was normal to me.
Sorry to ramble! Maybe you can relate and it helps or maybe I'm annoying lol. Discord sucks for me, maybe I'll try again. I think you're almost at cell phone age if you get one of those I can defienetly text you. We'll figure out something. It would be good to at least have two ways to communicate just in case. My email is if this website boots either of us off or whatever