of these.
13.07.2023 05:38
LinkGuys. I cannot stress this enough...
Please don't spread information that you don't
A. have an expertise in
B. aren't diagnosed in
C. have only read about
Comment removed
13.07.2023 05:39
LinkWhen you say that you are something that hasn't been proven just by reading some articles- it completely undermines those who actually deal with the diagnosis.
13.07.2023 05:39
LinkIt..disgusts me. Honestly.
13.07.2023 05:40
LinkAnd to make it into an excuse for absolutely everything-is even more horrendous.
Don't spread that shit.
I'm fine if you like look into it on your OWN accord and time, but that stuff isn't something you should go out and just tell the entirety of the internet about.
13.07.2023 05:41
LinkESPECIALLY on this site. There's kids here who are gonna read what you've typed out and think exactly how you are.
I have news for you.
A lot of whatever you see on articles or whatever to diagnose yourself- can also be seen in people who don't experience the diagnosis.
So please don't be misinformed. Do a little more digging and don't spread that info onto others.
“It completely undermines people with the diagnosis”
I get this but not everyone has the money or resources to get professional Dx’s and alot of those people arent faking having it or mis informed
And even if people have the ability to het dx’d alot of the time getting dx’d takes away their autonomy. It took away mine, so i get what ur saying but there also flaws.
Now on the hand of using issues as an excuse, no one should do that, ur issues or disabilities or whatever are never a reason for hurting other people in anyway, you can hide behind a shield of “but i have ____!!!” No, if ur hurting people and using that as an excuse ur just a bad person
(When saying “you” in the second paragraph i do not mean YOU btw”)
Just because you don't have the money or resources to get professional diagnosis, it doesn't mean you should build your entire personality off of that diagnosis and say that you have it when you have no idea if you do or not.
As a person who ACTUALLY struggles with the diagnosis I'm referring to, it DOES undermine people that deal with it. Because now you're just saying you have something that can be related to OTHER things. Not all of those traits are reserved to one specific thing.
And yeah I agree!!!! people should NOT use it as an excuse
yeah ur so right in that people shouldnt make their issue their whole personaility thats a bit ****ed up
but i still stand on some people cant get dx'd and u should fakeclaim someone just because they dont have the reasources to get dx'd,
however i do agree that if u think u have smth dont ****ing make ur whole personaility, its apart of them sure but its not their whole thing,
so i understand what ur saying but i think u've made a generlization of "dont say u have ___ without a dx" which like, if u wanna pay for everyones evaluations for dx's then sure u can say that, but its not really fair to say that sense not everyone has the ability get dx'd
there are ofc SOME things that should only be professinally dx'd but im unsure if what ur referring to is one of them