Losing My Mind

20 Art style Challenge

Shadow is illiterate



And baby said- dance magic

Request by Zee-Rex
things i hate below lemme type


31.07.2019 12:52
Linkuieheu hold on

31.07.2019 12:58
Link1, when someone vents and someones like aRe yOu oKay xDDD cause theyre obviously not okay like what the ****
2, when i ask for advice and people take it as a ****ing joke when im all serious and actually want real advice
3, when someones like OmG uR aRt iMProVEd xD i sMeLL iNpRovEmenT because yes obviously i ****ing improved because i havent seen you in over 2 months you ****ing fortnite loving shit
4, um PDA. seriously i sound rude but i hate it when people are in a relationship and they post about it constantly and theyre like OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ and they ****ing shove it in everyones face. im gonna sound rude but like, no one cArES so please go do that in your own dms if you even have them smh.
5, um people that cant ****ing take a joke like again im gonna sound rude but when i say shit like "wtf autism lmao" and someones like THATS OFFENSIVE TO MY AUTISTIC COUSIN OMG IM REPORTING YOU like, um, okay cool its a ****ing joke im sorry for my sense om humor calm y

31.07.2019 12:59
Linkaaa i meant to say calm your tits but it cut off. i could list more but im sure i already sound like an asshole lmao

31.07.2019 13:01
Linkuhh idk i just wanted to say these things so everyone knows everything i listed pisses me off like alot