The Other Passanger -- {Cody}


02.02.2018 04:02
LinkHello, I'm Cody. I like being called Code, though. I'm usually not the greatest at driving planes and prefer just chilling next to a window/watch the birds be stupid. I've been told I'm not the nicest pupper, but I'm trying, and I like teasing others just for fun usually, not to really harm anyone. I'm a full-blown Akita, and only an Akita. Anyways, I'd just like to say that metal is cool aha. G'day to you! -Cody.

02.02.2018 04:07
LinkSprout: rrrfffmerrr

Scooter: welcome on the flight, let us know if you need anything I’ll be up in the cockpit. Please tell us if you experience any discomfort, thank you for choosing this flight and your seat is B14