I can't take this stupidity rn
15.08.2020 22:16
15.08.2020 22:22
LinkAttach animation
15.08.2020 22:23
LinkBruh, it's attached right there -_-
excuse me? calling a young girl stupid oh okay you wanna play that way well... you call me immature then you make an anim saying i cant handle this stupidity bro let me live my life pls I said have a nice day I'm trying to be nice and you don't even say do not harras her :c
oh ok
so I saw this persons account and they were judging someone's artwork without there consent and it was resent so I went to warned them about judeing artwork then i posted the fox and they said something like it wasn't good then I posted a furry in jail bc of furry police and then they came saying something like you hate furry haters well it a opinion and i saids yes its MY opinion then they ignored that and started nickpitting my aniamtions and art saying i have a small IQ esc so all i did was say my ****ing opinion...