I am rather confused


25.01.2018 13:21
LinkI just started thinking about my religion and now I'm confused. Okay So my religion has been pretty mixed up. I have christian grandparents and most of my grandmothers side of the family is christian, my grandfathers as well. I have a catholic mom who acts evelutionist and her side of the family is also catholic but act the same way, and my dad is evelutionist even though he grew up with my grandmother and grandfather in a very christian home. I fall into the christian category, I believe that there is some kind of God/ Holy being above that will accept me when I die, but I also disagree with a few religious things, such as why is being lgtb a sin and why did God not stop Satan from becoming a thing if he knew the whole future and what was gonna happen? Also, my church is..probably the best church ever. If you believe in God, you can come, other than that they don't have many rules. They welcome all forms of christians and even lots of non christian people just to hear about Lord Jesus who still

25.01.2018 13:27
Linkloves them no matter who they are or what they have done or believe in. We don't fall into one christian category like Babtist or Catholic or anything, and we stay netraul to all believers and non believers, because it isn't our place to tell someone right from wrong. We try actually not to be a religious group, because religion is basically a set of rules you have to follow but God just wants us to come live with him and believe in him and love him. In the Bible God actually hated religion because so many people had to follow certain rules about what they could and couldn't believe in. I used to go to a christian school but now I go to an evelutionist school and I have been learning in loads of different ways because of that, but I honestly don't know why I haven't been believe what they have been teaching me. I mean, evelution makes some sense surprisingly, like God turned Adam from dirt into a man, that's basically evelution, and no one knew how long that one day was back then. but I mean like, If God

25.01.2018 13:32
Linkisn't real, the why have I had both Heavenly and Demonic expiriences? Also, can I point out, why do so many christians believe ghosts aren't real? It's literally in the Bible they know and love! People getting possessed by demons, Satan calling demons on people, Ghosts raiding towns trying to scare beilievers, stuff like that. With heaven comes hell, with angels come demons, with heavenly spirits comes demonic ghosts, and yet still so many christians are like "No God is the only spirit demon spirtits are't real" When literally It is in the Bible in your household! My friends have been hurt by demons, my house is haunted and the ghost tried to scare me, I've been to a few very haunted places, but nothing ever happens to me, why? Because I believe I also have some Guardian angel, watching over me, and protecting me from that, which most christians do, but it's still protecting you from some kind of demon or ghost which would have to be real to try and hurt you! You can't get hurt by nothing, and

25.01.2018 13:36
LinkChrstians believe that God is protecting them, but from what? Why is it so hard to believe ghosts are real? Just freaking flip through your Bible and read, like actually read through what is happening. Ghosts are a form of demons! Christians believe demons are real, and just like how angels walk among us down here, so do demons and ghosts and spirits. Why is that so hard to believe? It should be easier if you are a christian not harder because you were told that God is protecting you from danger and sin. Who made sin? Satan. what else did he make? Demons. Where does he live? Hell. What runs around in Hell? Demons. It is so simple, yet so hard to get a christian to believe and it shouldn't be that hard.

25.01.2018 13:36
LinkChrstians believe that God is protecting them, but from what? Why is it so hard to believe ghosts are real? Just freaking flip through your Bible and read, like actually read through what is happening. Ghosts are a form of demons! Christians believe demons are real, and just like how angels walk among us down here, so do demons and ghosts and spirits. Why is that so hard to believe? It should be easier if you are a christian not harder because you were told that God is protecting you from danger and sin. Who made sin? Satan. what else did he make? Demons. Where does he live? Hell. What runs around in Hell? Demons. It is so simple, yet so hard to get a christian to believe and it shouldn't be that hard.

25.01.2018 13:36
Link(R.I.P anyone who bothered to read through this whole thing, I was just asking myself questions and it turned into a rant out of no where)