- create flipbook animations online!
Beth for @abcdceese AO
31.12.2019 22:43
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Appearance: Multi brown shaded half (mainly) demon female with teal eyes and a small curved body Species: 10% Human 80% demon 10% Wendi go Name: Beth H. Clear-waters Age: 23 Sex: Female Abilities: Can control peoples feeling's by changing them. Position Application: janitorial staff (Mainly front desk) Are you coming through the prisoner program?: No More information: Beth was abandoned by her mother at birth because she was scared of Beth. Her mother was a human who had demon blood in her. Her father was a demon with Wendigo blood which is what she got her looks from. Her father abused her and sexually harassed her and raped her. He was an alcoholic and was never really home. Beth got her self into school and even finished college. When she seen and offering for AO she was ecstatic to join. But she was scared of what people would think of her and what they would do to her. Beth was never really into the love life but she hopes this can help her find love.
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