25.05.2021 18:46
25.05.2021 18:48
LinkGoodbye, everyone. It’s been so nice being here for 7 months, but it’s my time to go. June 3rd is the day they will be taking the school iPads, and that means I’ll have to go. I appreciate all my followers, and here they are: 309):
SparkythePikachu, yalissa, -Poland-Poland-, MrAnchovy, Cake01234O, p0tat0, Tabbycatty, oksana1978, owofries, sonic2, CocoaButter, WolfyBee5342, RandomCatDraws, Emma-coats, LouiseAlt-, LycanrocMidnight, Stickman-animator, Skie-Skie, SnowKittyoncomputer, Aure1103, Aleyahcoolgirl20, xXACuteWolfyXx, QueenBlaze, meartistic, 12345678910pro, TheCrazyRabit, BackupAltAcc632, poocatcookies, Shadowcreatur, Rusty-noodles, Piggy-Animations, plumypup, AntifurrySISTER, memes10110010-2, MADSeY, AnimatedRawr008, XxFuntimeJulyxX, RK900-, Ivycutegirl2020, Zacster, sonicfan43, catbat, Graywolff, Alisa56, fluffyHellhound, ValPool, penguinprotecter, JaydenAdams, KawaiiCats, LightningTrail2, IrrationalMe, yeetiesNOW-, dogandcat, Ashley201, LemonsodaXX, AkiraXVI, Julian67899, FluffyKittydoggo,
25.05.2021 18:51
Linkkittymaster, lexani, JaxikaE, WolfyandFoxyXD, Justanordinaryperson, demonboi09, Poisonwing355, Jaye-C, Lxavender, BrownieTheFurry, black-bat-11, --Eevee-boba--, --Agony--, Zillagirl2021, Sushikat, aliienoiid, -Mari0, froggymurdurer, VincentSheep, -gLiTcHeD-sHiErO-, EmeraldEarth2045, TacoKat101, ThatOneGirl-Furry, Undertalefan21, Total-kils5, Dustwing, Lerathezorua, Clocker123, AccountShare, liveinglife, ArticDraws72, lemonqueen4, FoIIower, 28maezeebell, Mufferdoggy45665, ShadowDaShadowWolfUw, TwirlingChip, pyroplasma, TheSquadWolfs, kiwi-nuts, Smilez, Emily-playz9, htflover, SovietunionOKBOOM, AngieCinna, xDragonflyx, Louiseanimator, NaughtyWolfNsfw, TubboLovesTommyinnit, DragonBunny, LilaTheEspeon, HotPotatoess2, Camile201107, -TweeningBunny-, TheKittenLover, Chubby2Cub, Dreamlight, SoapDemon, NightWolf20, icewing1236, Dragonite101, -Stardragon-, EeveelutionSquad, ACuteFurry, Sammycorn2, BestestARTIST, AnimationDudes, Fluffyredpandadog, bobby-danielsYt, -TweeningPup-, YT-randomperson, Germanshepup, FoxUniver
25.05.2021 18:54
LinkAnd many more.
25.05.2021 18:57
LinkStay safe :)
25.05.2021 18:58
LinkIf you don’t know what I mean, I’m leaving FlipAnim.