- create flipbook animations online!
19.02.2022 05:34
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Berry, sent by Charlie, her kidnapper, began to walk to the files but something was wrong, she felt like somebody was watching her, she walked up to Claire's file and typed in the code to access it. ❥8077 She walked in, not seeing the woman known as Claire behind her. Suddenly she felt something hard hit her head and she quickly fell unconscious, as she fell to the floor Claire stole the F1L3 B4DG3 and edited her code to see her now as LightVision, making since due to the meanings of both Clair and Voyant, of course her name wasn't originally Claire Voinet, it was Clire Voidnet, her name was this for a few reasons but because of her clairvoyant abilities she gained the title Claire Voinet. But now wasn't a time to think about the origins of her name, now was the time to get out of here. She quickly tried to remember the coordinates from her last escape, the coordinates to right outside the house, she wasn't gonna settle for right outside the files, no no no.
19.02.2022 05:44
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She was going to go outside of this entire thing, right outside the entire house. She tried to remember, and she finally did.. ❥Teleport LightVision.EXE ~ ~ ~ Coordinates 1254 22 103 She teleported, she did it! But now the owners of the whole thing noticed.. She ran as far as she could, as fast as she could until she ran out of energy. They were getting closer, she began to panic. What was she going to do? What could she do? She had a plan! ❥Teleport LightVision.EXE ~ ~ ~ Coordinates V 0 1 D She was in the void now, the light green void.. She heard a feminine voice behind her. "Welcome back." It was just Glitch, or rather Grace, her creator. Claire never forgot how she was always locked up in her file. With anger, fear and panic she ran to Universe_01 and then nothing was there it was a wasteland of corpses, fire, and a throne with "CharLIE" painted on it, she realized the universe was Charlie's, the universe Charlie destroyed first, then the surviving ones tried to fight,
19.02.2022 05:52
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Charlie destroyed more universes but then there were many survivors, they were getting in her way and she had to kill them. But then Claire remembered Grace was catching up, with all her strength she ran but she fell down a hill and her head hit a rock.. No she couldn't fall asleep yet, but despite all her efforts she gave in to the wound. ... ... ... She woke up, but she wasn't at the hill, but she recognized this place, it was her file. She remembered the words said by Grace, "You aren't safe for society." She was worried and then the door opened, she saw what she expected yet feared, Grace. "Here's a toothbrush to modify if you get bored, Claire." Grace left the room, Claire felt time speed up as before she knew it it was night, the time where Grace puts her to sleep, the cell filled with sleeping gas, she fought the gas but eventually she gave in. ❥LightVision Fell Asleep
21.02.2022 02:15
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