story time


23.11.2020 20:02
Linkso once in 2018 me and my cousins and their family went to the beach and yeah we were having fun blah blah and then we started making a BBQ and it started raining but this was no ordinary rain it was coming fast as a bullet and it hurt too my cousin actually got injured so we started going to my cousins home but we ran too fast and eventually we lost our parents we had a bigger cousin and he told us to go look for them and apparently there came from a different road and they left but we didn't know how to go back home but we noticed something my cousins sho was facing to one of the roads so we went that road and we eventually saw them on the road and they left cause the rain was like bullets and they had a baby with them

23.11.2020 20:02
Linksorry for the bad grammar